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dishonour done to

  • 1 dishonour

    عَارٌ \ disgrace: loss of favour or respect because one has done wrong: The boy was in disgrace for breaking a window. The rudeness of the employer brought disgrace on the whole company. dishonour: shame. reproach: a cause for shame: These badly kept roads are a reproach to the city. scandal: sth. (behaviour, etc.) that causes nasty talk: His bad treatment of his family is a scandal. shame: a painful feeling of dishonour or failure (concerning oneself, one’s family, etc.): He was filled with shame when his father was sent to prison.

    Arabic-English glossary > dishonour

  • 2 dishonour

    خِزْي \ scandal: sth. (behaviour, etc.) that causes nasty talk: His bad treatment of his family is a scandal. disgrace: loss of favour or respect because one has done wrong: The boy was in disgrace for breaking a window. The rudeness of the employer brought disgrace on the whole company. dishonour: shame. shame: a painful feeling of dishonour or failure (concerning oneself, one’s family, etc.): He was filled with shame when his father was sent to prison.

    Arabic-English glossary > dishonour

  • 3 αἰσχύνη

    αἰσχύν-η [ῡ], ,
    A shame, dishonour,

    ἐς αἰσχύνην φέρει Hdt.1.10

    , cf. 3.133; αἰσχύνην φέρει, ἔχει, S.Tr.66, E.Andr. 244, etc.; αἰ. περιίσταταί με, συμβαίνει μοι, D.3.8, 18.85;

    αἰσχύνῃ πίπτειν S.Tr. 597


    περιπίπτειν X.HG7.3.9


    αἰσχύνην περιάπτειν τῇ πόλει Pl.Ap. 35a


    αἰ. προσβάλλειν τινί Id.Lg. 878c


    ἐν αἰ. ποιεῖν τὴν πόλιν D.18.136


    ἡ τῶν πραγμάτων αἰ. 1.27

    2 αἰ. γυναικῶν dishonouring of women, Isoc.4.114 (pl.), 12.259 (pl.); γράφεσθαί τινα γένους αἰσχύνης for dishonour done to his race, Pl.Lg. 919e.
    3 concrete, of a person, αἰ. φίλοις, πάτρᾳ, Thgn.1272, A.Pers. 774;

    ἄνθρωπος αἰ. τῆς πόλεως γεγονώς Aeschin.3.241

    ; of a decree, ib.105.
    II shame for an ill deed, personified in A.Th. 409;

    Αἰσχύνην οὐ νομίσασα θεόν AP7.450

    2 like αἰδώς, sense of shame, honour,

    πᾶσαν αἰ. ἀφείς S.Ph. 120


    ἡ γὰρ αἰ. < πάρος> τοῦ ζῆν.. νομίζεται E.Heracl. 200

    ; δι' αἰσχύνης ἔχειν τι to be ashamed of, Id.IT 683; αἰσχύνην ἔχειν τινός for a thing, S.El. 616;

    αἰ. ἐπί τινι Pl.Smp. 178d


    ὑπέρ τινος D.4.10

    ; joined with δέος, S.Aj. 1079; with ἔλεος and αἰδώς, Antipho 1.27 :—rare in pl.,

    πτήσσουσαν αἰσχύνῃσιν S.Fr.659.9

    ; ἐν αἰσχύναις ἔχω I hold it a shameful thing, E.Supp. 164.
    III later = αἰδοῖον, Sch.Ar.Eq. 365; cf. τὴν τοῦ σώματος αἰ. Alcid.ap Arist.Rh. 1406a29.

    Greek-English dictionary (Αγγλικά Ελληνικά-λεξικό) > αἰσχύνη

  • 4 ἀτιμία

    ἀτῑμ-ία, [dialect] Ion. -ιη, ,
    A dishonour, disgrace,

    ἀτιμίῃσιν ἰάλλειν Od.13.142

    , Pi.O.4.21, S.El. 1035, etc.;

    ἐν ἀτιμίῃ τινὰ ἔχειν Hdt.3.3


    ἀτιμίην προστιθέναι τινί Id.7.11

    ; ὄνειδος καὶ ἀ. ἔχειν ib. 231; ἀτιμίης κυρεῖν πρός τινος ib. 158; θεῶν ἀ. dishonour done to the gods, E.Heracl.72, Pl.Hipparch. 229c;

    οὐκ ἀτιμίᾳ σέθεν A.Eu. 796

    : pl.,

    ταῖς μεγίσταις κολάζειν ἀ. Pl.Plt. 309a

    , cf. 310e, R. 492d, al.;

    ὕβρεις καὶ ἀτιμίας D.18.205

    , 21.23; indignities, Arist.Pol. 1336b11.
    2 deprivation of privileges, A.Eu. 394 (lyr.); esp. of civic rights, And.1.74, X.Lac.9.6, D.9.44; coupled with θάνατος and φυγή, IG1.27a74.
    II of things, ἐσθημάτων ἀ., i.e. sorry garb, A.Pers. 847;

    κόμη.. ἀτιμίας πλέως Cratin.9

    . [[dialect] Ep.

    ἀτιμῑη Hom.

    l.c., Tyrt.10.10.]

    Greek-English dictionary (Αγγλικά Ελληνικά-λεξικό) > ἀτιμία

  • 5 VAN-

    a prefixed particle denoting lacking, under-, un-.
    * * *
    a particle prefixed to nouns and adverbs, [cp. vanr; Goth. and A. S. wan-, deficient; O. H. G. wana-]:—lacking, wanting: only used as a compd except in the phrase, of og van, or það er of sem van, now too much, now too little.
    B. In COMPDS van- is freq. as a prefixed particle, mostly denoting lacking, slowly, short, not sufficient, under-, but also simply as a negative, much like Gr. δυσ-: van-afla, -afli, adj. weak, waning in strength, Al. 5. Fms. vi. 107, Sks. 590. van-alinn, part. under-fed, Grág. i. 455. van-brúka. ð, to misuse; mod. van-brúkun, f. a misuse. van-burða, adj. born prematurely; v. eldi. 656 B. 7. van-búinn, part. unprepared, Korm. 202, Ld. 324, Fms. vi. 214, vii. 127, viii. 288. van-drengr, m. a bad man, Fs. 166. van-dæmt, part. under-judging, i. e. too leniently: hafa v. eða ofdæmt, Grág. (pref.) van-efni, n. pl. lack of means, Grág. i. 257, Band. 31 new Ed., Fms. viii. 23. van-erð, f.(?). inferiority, N. G. L. i. 212. van-farinn, part. in a strait, Fas. i. 518 (see also the verse); vér erum vanfarnir hjá honum, we are much short of him, Orkn. 332. van-ferli, n. things going wrong, Fms. x. 131. van-festr, part. badly fastened, MS. 4. 8. van-fylgt, n. part.; hafa v. e-m, to back one slowly, Bs. i. 739. van-færi, n. disability, Stj. 1. van-færr, adj. disabled, infirm, Fms. ii. 146, x. 354, xi. 325, Fas. i. 532, Bs. i. 393; vanærr ok ílla heill, Hom. 122. van-gá, f. lack of care. van-gefinn, see vargefinn. van-gerðing, f. a defective fencing, Gpl. 382. van-geymsla, u, f. = vangá, Ld. 128, Jb. 42, Dipl. v. 26. van-geymt, n. part.; hafa v. e-s, to neglect, H. E. ii. 110. van-giptr, part. married beneath one, Nj. 17, v. l. van-goldit, part. n. underpaid, Ó. H. 87. van-gætt, n. part. = vangeymt, Gþl. 463. van-gæzla, u, f. = vangeymsla, Grág. ii. 341, Fms. viii. 364. van-görr, part. defective, imperfect, imperfectly done, half done, Fms. vi. 13, x. 318, Bs. i. 59; ung Kristni ok mjök vangör, Fbr. 7; mér sýndisk vangört, faulty, Fms. x. 320. van-haft, n. part.; hafa v., not to get one’s due, Grág. i. 265. van-haga, að; impers., mig vanhagar um e-t, to miss a thing, want. van-hagr, m. dismay, disadvantage, Grág. ii. 49, Fms. xi. 245, Fær. 7: misconduct, Bs. i. 687. van-hald, n. a damage, loss; bíða vanhald af e-m, Fms. x. 421: in plur. ill-luck, thriftlessness, Band. 37 new Ed. van-haldinn, part. getting less than one’s due, wronged, H. E. ii. 126; ef þú þykkisk v., Ld. 108, Slurl. i. 77 C, Fas. ii. 297. van-hefnt, n. part. (better var-hefnt), Nj. 280, v. l. van-heiðr, m. dishonour, H. E. i. 562, Fas. ii. 289. van-heila, u, f. = vanheilsa, Bs. i. 353. van-heilagr, adj. profane. van-heilindi, n. failing health, illness, Fms. vii. 208, viii. 280, H. E. i. 12. van-heill, adj. [A. S. wanhâl], not hale, disabled, ill, Grág. i. 50, Fms. x. 420; e-m verðr vanheilt, to be taken ill, Grág. i. 277: = pregnant, Bret. 10. van-heilligr, adj. ill, wretched, Fms. vii. 30. van-heilsa, u, f. failing health, illness, Bs. i. 83, 84, 353 (v. l.), Grág. i. 226, Fms. vii. 157, passim. van-helga, að, to profane. van-helti, f., better vammhelti, q. v., Jb. 366 A. van-henta, t, to stand in need of, to want; hann kvað sér v. annat, he said it was not that he wanted, Ld. 212. van-hentr, adj.; e-m er e-t vanhent, it suits one not well, Fms. x. 260. van-herðr, part. not pushed up to one’s mettle, Fas. iii. 487. van-hirða, t; v. um e-t, to neglect. van-hirðing, f. = vangeymsla. van-hirzla, u, f. = vanhirðing, Sks. 446. van-hluta, adj. unfairly dealt with; verða v., to be worsted, Bjarn. 56, Ísl. ii. 255, Grág. i. 157, ii. 92, Fms. i. 306; rétta þeirra hlut er áðr eru v., Eb. 156. van-hlutr, m. an unfair share, Sturl. i. 47 C. van-hugaðr, n. part. [? A. S. vanhygig]; e-t er v. í máli, it was not well considered, Lv. 30. van-hyggja, u, f. a lack of forethought, Ld. 152; bæta fyrir vanhyggju mína, Valla L. 209. van-kunnandi, part. wanting in knowledge, ignorant, ill-informed, Gþl. van-kunnigr, adj. ignorant. van-kunnindi, f. ignorance, Gþl. (pref.) van-kunnusta (mod. van-kunnátta), u, f. want of knowledge, ignorance, H. E. i. 479. van-leitað, n. part.; e-s er v., examined imperfectly, Bs. i. 329. van-lofaðr, part. under-praised, Fms. vi. 196. van-lokinn, part. half paid, of debt; vanloknar skuldir, Grág. i. 93. van-luktr, part. half finished; ganga frá mörgu vanluktu, Sturl. iii. 279. van-lykta, að, to leave unfinished, H. E. i. 409. van-lyktir, f. pl.; með vanlyktum, unfinished, half done, Fms. vi. 13; ok var at vanlykðum nökkut, er hón þó höfuð hans, Ísl. ii. 333; hvárigar vanlykðir ( faults) er þær koma á goðans hendi, Grág. i. 94. van-mátta, adj. weak, sick, sore; í tána þá er v. var, a sore toe, Hrafn. 15. van-máttigr, adj. failing in strength, weak, impotent, Fms. v. 163. van-máttr, m. failing strength, illness, Eg. 565, Vápn. 17, Fms. ii. 12, Bs. i. 84. van-megin, n. weakness, Fms. vii. 156: a swoon, fainting, sló yfir mik hræzlu ok vanmegni, 108. van-meginn (van-megn, Stj. 20), adj. weak, feeble, Fms. i. 305, Stj. 20, v. l.; v. af megri, Fb. iii. 447; höndina þá má vanmegnu, an infirm hand, Sturl. i. 189. van-megna, adj. = vanmeginn. van-megna, að, to weaken; v. sterkjan hug, Al. 6: reflex., vanmegnast, to faint, sink down, Vídal. passim. van-menni, n. (van-menna, u, f., Lv. 30; vanmennur þær, Fms. xi. 257), a worthless person, Gísl. 149, Vápn. 15, Fms. iii. 149. van-meta, adj. in a weak, bad condition; var fótrinn v., of a sick leg. Bs. i. 344; vanmeta skepna, an ill-favoured creature. van-metnaðr, m. a disgrace, Grett. 160 A. van-mettr, part. hungry, Sól. 3. van-mælt, n. part.; eiga e-t vanmælt, if thou hast anything unsaid, anything to say, Bs. i. 668; hvárt mér verðr ofmælt eðr vanmælt, Nj. 232. van-mætti, n. an infirmity. van-refsaðr, part. not duly punished, Sturl. ii. 10. van-refst, n. part. = refsað; ef v. er af dómarans hendi, Gþl. 172. van-rekstr, m. = vanréttr, Fms. xi. 253, v. l. van-rétti, n. loss of right, Ls. 40; þola v., Ó. H. 238: a defeat, Ísl. ii. 367. van-réttr, m. = vanrétti, Fms. xi. 253. van-rækiliga, adv. carelessly, slovenly, Bs. i. (Laur. S.) van-rækja, t, to disregard, Stj. 157, Fms. xi. 423, K. Á. 72: reflex., vanrækjask e-n, Fms. viii. 252. van-rækt, f. lack of care, Gþl. 332, H. E. i. 251, Dipl. ii. 14. van-rætt, n. part. not fully discussed; v. er um e-t, Sks. 271 B. van-samit, part. unsettled, Stj. van-semd, f. a disgrace, offence, Bjarn. 67. van-signaðr, part. cursed, Stj., MS. 655 xx. 3. van-skörungr, m. = vandrengr, Fs. 4, Eg. 730. van-spurt, n. part. left unasked, Sks. 52, 191. van-stilli, n. lack of moderation, intemperance, Al. 45, 71; gefa svá kappsamliga mat, er á þessu mikit vanstilli, no measure, Ísl. ii. 337, Fms. vii. 162 (of a fit of insanity); v. lopts, Al. 55; þurfa menn ekki hér at lýsa v. ( men need not shew ill temper) fyrir þessa sök, Sturl. i. 101 C. van-stilling, f. = vanstilli. Hom. 25. van-stilltr, part. wanting in tempcr, rash, Fms. i. 207, x. 264; marglyndr, vandlyndr ok v., wanting in temper, 420; v. í orðum, vi. 324: excessive, Stj. 142. van-svarat, n. part. insufficiently answered, of a question; hafa v., H. E. ii. 93; vanspurt eða v., Sks. 270. van-svefta, adj. having too little sleep. van-sæmd, f. dishonour, contumely, Fms. ii. 291, vi. 109. van-sætti, n. discord, Sturl. i. 101, v. l. van-sök, f. a fault, offence, Magn. 524. van-talað, n. part. = vanmælt; er enn mart vantalað, Lv. 20; á ek við hvárigan ykkarn vantalað, I want to speak to neither of you, Fms. v. 327. van-talit ( van-talt), n. part. not full accounted for, short in the tally, Glúm. 385; oftalt, vantalt, Gþl. 478. van-tekit, n. part. pulled insufficiently, Eb. 242. van-traust, n. a lack of trust. van-trú, f. unbelief [Dan. vantro]; villa ok v., K. Á. 218, H. E. i. 390, Vídal. van-trúaðr, part. unbelieving, N. T., Vídal. van-trúnaðr, m. distrust, Fms. i. x. 398. van-unninn, part. unfinished; vanunnin verk, Grág. i. 157; lítið vas eptir vanunnit ( undone) í víngarðinum, Greg. 57. van-virða, t, to disregard, dishonour, put to shame, Ísl. ii. 238; affæra ok v., Bs. i. (Laur. S.): part. vanvirðr, Fms. ii. 67, Fs. 183; vanvirt, Fms. v. 326. van-virða, u, f. a disgrace, Fs. 60, 159, Eb. 128. van-virðing, f. = vanvirða, Fms. ix. 278, 289, Gþl. 157, 181. vanvirðu-lauss, adj. not disgracing, Grett. 118. van-virkja, u, f. a defect, fault, Stj. 158, Ísl. ii. 201, v. l. van-vit, n. [Dan. van-vid = insanity], want of thought, Nj. 135, v. l. van-vita, adj. insane, N. G. L. i. 213, Js. 79. van-vitað, n. part. not quite known; enn er v. nökkut um sættina, Bjarn. 56. van-vizka, u. f. foolishness, Al. 115. van-þakkað, n. part. not duly thanked; eiga e-m e-t v. van-þakklátr, adj. ungrateful. van-þakklæti, n. ingratitude. van-þekking, f. lack of knowledge. van-þyrmsla, u, f. violation; v. hátiða, Hom. 146. van-þökk, f. unthankfulness.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > VAN-

  • 6 GÖRA

    ð, also spelt görva, giörva, geyra, giora, gera: prop. gøra, not gra (the ø was sounded nearly as y or ey), so that the g is to be sounded as an aspirate, however the word is spelt; and the insertion of i or j (giöra, gjöra), which is usual in mod. writing, and often occurs in old, is phonetic, not radical, and göra and gjöra represent the same sound. The word in the oldest form had a characteristic v, and is spelt so on the Runic stones in the frequent Runic phrase, gaurva kubl, Baut., and Danske Runemind. passim; but also now and then in old Icel. MSS., e. g. the Kb. of Sæm. (cited from Bugge’s Edit.), gorva, Am. 75, Skv. 1. 34, 3. 20, Hm. 123, Og. 29; gerva, Am. 64, Bkv. 3; giorva, Rm. 9; giorfa, 28; gorvir, Hkv. Hjörv. 41; gørvom, Hým. 6; gorviz, Am. 35; gerviz, Merl. 2. 89:—this characteristic v has since been dropped, and it is usually spelt without it in MSS., gora, Hým. 1, Og. 23, Ls. 65; gera, Am. 85; gorir, Hm. 114: the pret. always drops the v, gorþi, Hym. 21; gorðo or gorþo, fecerunt, Hm. 142, Am. 9; gorðumz, Hðm. 28; gerþi, Am. 74; gerþit, 26:—with i inserted, Rm. 9, 22; giordu, 11; in the Mork. freq. giavra. The ö is still sounded in the east of Icel., whereas gera is the common form in speech, gjöra in writing:—the old pres. indic. used by the poets and in the laws is monosyllabic görr, with suffixed negative, görr-a, Hkr. i. (in a verse); mod. bisyllabic görir, which form is also the usual one in the Sagas:—the old part. pass. was görr or gerr, geyrr, Fms. ix. 498, x. 75, where the v was kept before a vowel, and is often spelt with f, gorvan, gorvir, and gorfan, gorfir: dat. so-goro or so-guru adverbially = sic facto: the mod. part. gjörðr, gerðr, görðr, as a regular part. of the 2nd weak conjugation, which form occurs in MSS. of the 15th century, e. g. Bs. i. 877, l. 21. [This is a Scandin. word; Dan. gjöre; Swed. göra; Old Engl. and Scot. gar, which is no doubt of Scandin. origin, the Saxon word being do, the Germ. thun, neither of which is used in the Scandin.; the word however is not unknown to the Teut., though used in a different sense; A. S. gervan and gearvjan = parare; O. H. G. karwan; Germ. gerben, garben, but esp. the adj. and adv. gar, vide above s. v. gör-.] To make, to do; the Icel. includes both these senses.
    A. To make:
    I. to build, work, make, etc.; göra himin ok jörð, 623. 36, Hom. 100; göra hús, to build a house, Fms. xi. 4, Rb. 384; göra kirkju, Bjarn. 39; göra skip, N. G. L. i. 198; göra langskip, Eg. 44; göra stólpa, Al. 116; göra tól (= smíða), Vsp. 7; göra (fingr)-gull, Bs. i. 877; göra haug, to build a cairn, Eg. 399; göra lokhvílu, Dropl. 27; göra dys, Ld. 152; göra kistu ( coffin), Eg. 127; göra naust, N. G. L. i. 198; göra jarðhús, Dropl. 34; göra veggi, Eg. 724: also, göra bók, to write a book, Íb. 1, Rb. 384; göra kviðling, to make a song, Nj. 50; göra bréf, to draw up a deed ( letter), Fms. ix. 22; göra nýmæli, to frame a law, Íb. 17.
    2. adding prep.; göra upp, to repair, rebuild, restore, Fb. ii. 370; göra upp Jórsala-borg, Ver. 43; göra upp skála, Ld. 298; göra upp leiði, to build up a grave.
    II. to make, prepare, get ready; göra veizlu, drykkju, brúðkaup, erfi, and poët. öl, öldr, to make a feast, brew bridal ale, Fs. 23, Fms. xi. 156, Dropl. 6, Am. 86; göra seið, blót, to perform a sacrifice, Ld. 152; göra bú, to set up a house, Grág. i. 185, Ld. 68; göra eld, to make a fire, Fs. 100, K. Þ. K. 88; göra rekkju, to make one’s bed, Eg. 236; göra upp hvílur, Sturl. ii. 124; göra graut, to make porridge, Eg. 196, N. G. L. i. 349; göra drykk, to make a drink, Fms. i. 8; göra kol, or göra til kola, to make charcoal, Ölk. 35.
    III. in somewhat metaph. phrases; göra ferð, to make a journey, Fms. x. 281; görði heiman för sína, he made a journey from home, Eg. 23; göra sinn veg, to make one’s way, travel, Mar.; göra uppreisn, to make an uprising, to rebel, Rb. 384, Fms. ix. 416; göra úfrið, to make war, 656 C. 15; göra sátt, göra frið, to make peace, Hom. 153, Bs. i. 24; göra féskipti, Nj. 118; göra tilskipan, to make an arrangement, Eg. 67; göra ráð sitt, to make up one’s mind, Nj. 267, Fms. ix. 21; göra hluti, to cast lots, Fms. x. 348.
    2. to make, give, pay, yield; göra tíund, to pay tithes, Hom. 180; hann skal göra Guði tíunda hlut verðsins, id.; göra ölmusu, to give alms, 64; göra ávöxt, to yield fruit, Greg. 48; gefa né göra ávöxt, Stj. 43; göra konungi skatt eða skyld, Fms. xi. 225.
    3. to contract; göra vináttu, félagskap, to contract friendship, Nj. 103, Eg. 29; göra skuld, to contract a debt, Grág. i. 126: göra ráð með e-m, to take counsel with, advise one, Eg. 12; göra ráð fyrir, to suppose, Nj. 103, Fms. ix. 10; göra mun e-s, to make a difference, i. 255, Eb. 106.
    4. to make, make up, Lat. efficere; sex tigir penninga göra eyri, sixty pence make an ounce, Grág. i. 500, Rb. 458.
    5. to grant, render; göra kost, to make a choice, to grant, Nj. 130, Dropl. 6, Fms. xi. 72, (usually ellipt., kostr being understood); vil ek at þér gerit kostinn, Nj. 3; ok megit þér fyrir því göra ( grant) honum kostinn, 49, 51; göra e-m lög, to grant the law to one, 237; göra guðsifjar, to make ‘gossip’ with one, to be one’s godfather, Fms. ii. 130.
    6. special usages; göra spott, háð, gabb, … at e-u, to make sport, gibes, etc. at or over a thing, Fms. x. 124; göra iðran, to do penance, Greg. 22; göra þakkir, to give thanks, Hom. 55; göra róm at máli e-s, to cheer another’s speech, shout hear, hear! var görr at máli hans mikill rómr ok góðr, his speech was much cheered, Nj. 250,—a parliamentary term; the Teutons cheered, the Romans applauded (with the hands), cp. Tacit. Germ.
    7. with prepp.; gera til, to make ready or dress meat; láta af ( to kill) ok göra til ( and dress), K. Þ. K. 80, Ísl. ii. 83, 331, Fs. 146, 149, Bjarn. 31, Finnb. 228; göra til nyt, to churn milk, K. Þ. K. 78; göra til sverð, to wash and clean the sword, Dropl. 19; máttu þeir eigi sjá, hversu Þorvaldr var til gerr, how Th. got a dressing, Nj. 19.
    β. göra at e-u, to mend, make good, put right (at-görð), ek skal at því gera, Fms. xi. 153, Eg. 566, Nj. 130: to heal, Bárð. 171, Eg. 579, Grág. i. 220; göra at hesti, K. Þ. K. 54, Nj. 74: göra við e-u, vide B. II.
    8. adding acc. of an adj., part., or the like; göra mun þat margan höfuðlausan, Nj. 203; göra mikit um sik, to make a great noise, great havoc, Fb. i. 545, Grett. 133, Fms. x. 329; göra e-n sáttan, to reconcile one, Grág. i. 336; göra sér e-n kæran, to make one dear to oneself, Hkr. i. 209; göra sik líkan e-m, to make oneself like to another, imitate one, Nj. 258; göra sik góðan, to make oneself good or useful, 74, 78; göra sik reiðan, to take offence, 216; göra sér dælt, to make oneself at home, take liberties, Ld. 134, Nj. 216; göra langmælt, to make a long speech, Sks. 316; göra skjót-kjörit, to make a quick choice, Fms. ii. 79; göra hólpinn, to ‘make holpen,’ to help, x. 314; göra lögtekit, to make a law, issue a law, xi. 213, Bs. i. 37; hann gerði hann hálshöggvinn, he had him beheaded, Fms. ix. 488, v. l.; ok görðu þá handtekna alla at minsta kosti, Sturl. i. 40; várir vöskustu ok beztu menn era görfir handteknir, 41.
    β. göra sér mikit um e-t, to make much of, admire, Eg. 5, Fms. x. 254, 364; göra e-t at ágætum, to make famous, extol a thing, vii. 147; göra at orðum, to notice as remarkable, Fas. i. 123; göra at álitum, to take into consideration, Nj. 3; göra sér úgetið at e-u, to be displeased with, Ld. 134; göra vart við sik, to make one’s presence noticed, Eg. 79; göra sér mikit, lítið fyrir, to make great, small efforts, Finnb. 234; göra sér í hug, to brood over; hann gerði sér í hug at drepa jarl, Fs. 112; göra sér í hugar lund, to fancy, think: göra af sér, to exert oneself, ef þú gerir eigi meira af þér um aðra leika, Edda 32; hvárt hann var með Eiríki jarli, eðr görði hann annat af sér, or what else he was making of himself, Fms. xi. 157.
    9. phrases, gera fáleika á sik, to feign, make oneself look sad, Nj. 14; esp. adding upp, gera sér upp veyki, to feign sickness, (upp-gerð, dissimulation); göra sér til, to make a fuss, (hence, til-gerð, foppishness.)
    B. To do:
    I. to do, act; allt þat er hann gerir síðan ( whatever he does), þat á eigandi at ábyrgjask, Gþl. 190; þér munut fátt mæla eðr gera, áðr yðr munu vandræði af standa, i. e. whatsoever you say or do will bring you into trouble, Nj. 91; göra e-t með harðfengi ok kappi, 98; ger svá vel, ‘do so well,’ be so kind! 111; gerit nú svá, góði herra (please, dear lord!), þiggit mitt heilræði, Fms. vii. 157: and in mod. usage, gerið þér svo vel, gerðu svo vel, = Engl. please, do! sagði, at hann hafði með trúleik gört, done faithfully, Eg. 65; göra gott, to do good; göra íllt, to do evil, (góð-görð, íll-görð); ok þat var vel gört, well done, 64; geyrða ek hotvetna íllt, I did evil in all things, Niðrst. 109; hefir hann marga hluti gört stór-vel til mín, he has done many things well towards me, I have received many great benefits at his hands, Eg. 60: with dat., svá mikit gott sem jarl hefir mér gert, Nj. 133; þér vilda ek sízt íllt göra, I would least do harm to thee, 84: göra fúlmennsku, to do a mean act, 185; göra vel við e-n, to do well to one, Fs. 22; göra stygð við e-n, to offend one, Fms. x. 98; göra sæmiliga til e-s, to do well to one, Ld. 62, Nj. 71; göra sóma e-s, to do honour to one, Fms. vii. 155; göra e-m gagn, to give help to one, Nj. 262; göra e-m sæmd, skomm, to do ( shew) honour, dishonour, to one, 5, Fms. x. 43; göra háðung, xi. 152; göra styrk, to strengthen one, ix. 343; göra e-m skapraun, to tease one; göra ósóma, Vápn. 19; göra skaða ( scathe), Eg. 426; göra óvina-fagnað, to give joy to one’s enemies, i. e. to do just what they want one to do, Nj. 112; göra til skaps e-m, to conform to one’s wishes, 80; gerum vér sem faðir vár vill, let us do as our father wishes, 198; vel má ek gera þat til skaps föður míns at brenna inni með honum, id.; göra at skapi e-s, id., 3; var þat mjök gert móti mínu skapi, Fms. viii. 300; gera til saka við e-n, to offend, sin against one, Nj. 80; gera á hluta e-s, to wrong one, Vígl. 25; göra ílla fyrir sér, to behave badly, Fms. vii. 103.
    II. adding prep.; göra til e-s, to deserve a thing (cp. til-görð, desert, behaviour); hvat hafðir þú til gört, what hast thou done to deserve it? Nj. 130; framarr en ek hefi til gört, more than I have deserved, Fms. viii. 300; ok hafit þér Danir heldr til annars gört, ye Danes have rather deserved the reverse, xi. 192, Hom. 159:—göra eptir, to do after, imitate, Nj. 90:—göra við e-u (cp. við-görð, amendment), to provide for, amend, ok mun úhægt vera at göra við forlögum þeirra, Ld. 190; er úhægt at göra við ( to resist) atkvæðum, Fs. 22; ok mun ekki mega við því gera, Nj. 198:—göra af við e-n (cp. af-görð, evil doing), to transgress against one, ek hefi engan hlut af gört við þik, Fms. vii. 104, viii. 241; ok iðrask nú þess er hann hefir af gert, 300; göra af við Guð, to sin against God, Hom. 44.
    2. special usages; göra … at, to do so and so; spurði, hvat hann vildi þá láta at gera, he asked what he would have done, Nj. 100; hann gerði þat eina at, er hann átti, he did only what be ought, 220; þeir Flosi sátu um at rengja, ok gátu ekki at gert, F. tried, and could do nothing, 115, 242; þér munut ekki fá at gert, fyrr en …, 139; Flosi ok hans menn fengu ekki at gert, 199; mikit hefir þú nú at gert, much hast thou now done ( it is a serious matter), 85; er nú ok mikit at gert um manndráp siðan, 256; hann vildi taka vöru at láni, ok göra mikit at, and do great things, Ld. 70; Svartr hafði höggit skóg ok gert mikit at, Nj. 53; slíkt gerir at er sölin etr, so it happens with those who eat seaweed, i. e. that (viz. thirst) comes of eating seaweed, Eg. 605.
    β. göra af e-u, to do so and so with a thing; hvat hafið ér gert af Gunnari, Njarð. 376; ráð þú draumana, vera má at vér gerim af nokkut, may be that we may make something out of it, Ld. 126; gör af drauminum slíkt er þér þykkir líkligast, do with the dream ( read it) as seems to thee likeliest, Ísl. ii. 196: göra við e-n, to do with one; þá var um rætt, hvað við þá skyldi göra, what was to be done with them? Eg. 232; ærnar eru sakir til við Egil, hvat sem eg læt göra við hann, 426; eigi veit ek hvat þeir hafa síðan við gört, 574: göra fyrir e-t, to provide; Jón var vel fjáreigandi, ok at öllu vel fyrir gört, a wealthy and well-to-do man, Sturl. iii. 195; þótt Björn sé vel vígr maðr, þá er þar fyrir gört, því at …, but that is made up, because …: fyrir göra (q. v.), to forfeit.
    I. to do, help, avail; nú skulum vér ganga allir á vald jarlsins, því at oss gerir eigi annat, nothing else will do for us, Nj. 267; þat mun ekki gera, that wont do, 84; en ek kann ekki ráð til at leggja ef þetta gerir ekki, Fms. ii. 326; konungr vill þat eigi, þvi at mér gerir þat eigi ( it will not do for me) at þér gangit hér upp, x. 357; þat gerir mér ekki, at þér gangit á Orminn, … en hitt má vera at mér komi at gagni, ii. 227; þóttisk þá vita, at honum mundi ekki gera ( it would do nothing) at biðja fyrir honum, Fb. i. 565; engum gerði við hann at keppa, 571; ekki gerði þeim um at brjótask, Bárð. 10 new Ed.; sagða ek yðr eigi, at ekki mundi gera at leita hans, Sks. 625; hvat gerir mér nú at spyrja, Stj. 518; ekki gerir at dylja, no use hiding it, Fbr. 101 new Ed.; ætla þat at fáir þori, enda geri engum, Band. 7; bæði var leitað til annarra ok heima, ok gerði ekki, but did no good, 4; hét hann þeim afarkostum, ok gerði þat ekki, but it did no good, Fms. ii. 143.
    II. to send, despatch, cp. the Engl. to ‘do’ a message; hann gerði þegar menn frá sér, Eg. 270; hann hafði gört menn sex á skóginn fyrir þá, 568; þá gerði Karl lið móti þeim, Fms. i. 108; jarl gerði Eirík at leita Ribbunga, ix. 314; hann gerði fram fyrir sik Álf á njósn, 488; hann gerði menn fyrir sér at segja konunginum kvámu sína, x. 10; hleypi-skúta var gör norðr til Þrándheims, vii. 206; jafnan gerði jarl til Ribbunga ok drap menn af þeim, ix. 312; vilja Ósvífrs-synir þegar gera til þeirra Kotkels, despatch them to slay K., Ld. 144; skulu vér nú göra í mót honum, ok láta hann engri njósn koma, 242:—göra eptir e-m, to send after one, Nero bað göra eptir postulunum ok leiða þangat, 656 C. 26; nú verðr eigi eptir gört at miðjum vetri, Grág. i. 421; frændr Bjarnar létu göra eptir (Germ. abholen) líki hans, Bjarn. 69; síðan gerðu þeir til klaustrs þess er jómfrúin var í, Fms. x. 102:—gera e-m orð, njósn, to do a message to one; hann gerði orð jörlum sínum, Eg. 270; ætluðu þeir at göra Önundi njósn um ferðir Egils, 386, 582; vóru þangat orð gör, word was sent thither, Hkr. ii. 228.
    III. with infin. as an auxiliary verb, only in poetry and old prose (laws); ef hón gerði koma, if she did come, Völ. 5; gerðit vatn vægja, Am. 25; gramr gørr-at sér hlífa, he does not spare himself, Hkr. i. (in a verse); gerðut vægjask, id., Fs. (in a verse); hann gerðisk at höggva, Jb. 41; görðir at segja, Bkv. 15; görðisk at deyja, Gkv. 1. 1: in prose, eigi gerir hugr minn hlægja við honum, Fas. i. 122; góðir menn göra skýra sitt mál með sannsögli, 677. 12; Aristodemus görði eigi enn at trúa, Post.: esp. in the laws, ef þeir göra eigi ganga í rúm sín, Grág. i. 8; ef goðinn gerr eigi segja, 32; ef hann gerr eigi í ganga, 33; ef þeir göra eigi hluta meðr sér, 63; ef dómendr göra eigi dæma, 67; ef dómendr göra eigi við at taka, id.; ef goðinn gerr eigi ( does not) nefna féráns-dóm, 94; nú göra þeir menn eigi úmaga færa, 86; ef þeir göra eigi nefna kvöðina af búanum, Kb. ii. 163; ef þeir göra eigi segja, hvárt …, Sb. ii. 52; nú gerr sá eigi til fara, Kb. ii. 96; göra eigi koma, 150; ef hann gerr eigi kjósa, § 113.
    IV. a law term, göra um, or gera only, to judge or arbitrate in a case; fékksk þat af, at tólf menn skyldu göra um málit, Nj. 111; villt þú göra um málit, 21; bjóða mun ek at göra um, ok lúka upp þegar görðinni, 77; mun sá mála-hluti várr beztr, at góðir menn geri um, 88; málin vóru lagið í gerð, skyldu gera um tólf menn, var þá gert um málin á þingi, var þat gert, at … (follows the verdict), 88; vil ek at þú sættisk skjótt ok látir góða menn gera um …, at hann geri um ok enir beztu menn af hvárra liði lögliga til nefndir, 188; Njáll kvaðsk eigi gera mundu nema á þingi, 105; þeir kváðusk þat halda mundu, er hann gerði, id.; skaltú gera sjálfr, 58; fyrr en gert var áðr um hitt málit, 120; ek vil bjóðask til at göra milli ykkar Þórðar um mál yðar, Bjarn. 55; Þorsteinn kvað þat þó mundi mál manna, at þeir hefði góða nefnd um sættir þótt hann görði, 56; nú er þegar slegit í sætt málinu með því móti, at Áskell skal göra um þeirra í milli, Rd. 248; er nú leitað um sættir milli þeirra, ok kom svá at þeir skulu göra um málin Þorgeirr goði frá Ljósa-vatni ok Arnórr ór Reykjahlíð, sú var görð þeirra at …, 288; svá kemr at Ljótr vill at Skapti görði af hans hendi, en Guðmundr vill sjálfr göra fyrir sína hönd, skyldi Skapti gerð upp segja, Valla L. 225; eigi hæfir þat, leitum heldr um sættir ok geri Þorgeirr um mál þessi, Lv. 12; var jafnt gört sár Þórðar ok sár Þórodds, Eb. 246; þær urðu mála-lyktir at Þórðr skyldi göra um …, 24; ok vóru þá görvar miklar fésektir, 128; var leitað um sættir, ok varð þat at sætt, at þeir Snorri ok Steindórr skyldi göra um, 212; þit erut gerfir héraðs-sekir sem íllræðis-menn, Fs. 58: göra görð, Sturl. i. 63, 105: adding the fine, to fix the amount, þat er gerð mín, at ek geri verð húss ok matar, I fix the amount of the value of the house and (stolen) stores, Nj. 80; gerði Njáll hundrað silfrs, N. put it at a hundred silver pieces, 58; margir mæltu, at mikit vaeri gert, that the amount was high, id.; slíkt fégjald sem gert var, 120; vilit ér nokkut héraðs-sektir göra eða utanferðir, 189; hann dæmdi þegar, ok görði hundrað silfrs, 6l; síðan bauð Bjarni Þorkatli sætt ok sjálfdæmi, görði Bjarni hundrað silfrs, Vápn. 31; ek göri á hönd Þóri hundrað silfrs, Lv. 55; ek göri á hönd þér hundrað silfrs, id.; vilit þér, at ek göra millum ykkar? síðan görði konungr konuna til handa Þórði ok öll fé hennar, Bjarn. 17; Rafn kvað hann mikit fé annat af sér hafa gört, at eigi þætti honum þat betra, Fs. 30; Gellir görði átta hundrað silfrs, Lv. 97; fyrir þat gerði Börkr hinn digri af honum eyjarnar, B. took the isles from him as a fine, Landn. 123: adding the case as object, Gunnarr gerði gerðina, G. gave judgment in the case, Nj. 80; fyrr en gert var áðr um hitt málit, till the other case was decided, 120; þá sætt er hann görði Haraldi jarli, that settlement which he made for earl Harold, Fms. viii. 300: Flosi var görr utan ok allir brennu-menn, F. was put out ( banished) and all the burners, Nj. 251: metaph., nema þau vili annat mál á gera, unless they choose to settle it otherwise, Grág. i. 336.
    2. in the phrase, göra sekð, to make a case of outlawry, Grág. i. 118; eigi um görir sekð manns ella, else the outlawry takes no effect; en hann um görir eigi ella sekðina, else he cannot condemn him, 119.
    3. to perform; eptir-gerðar þeirrar sem hverr nennti framast at gera eptir sinn náung, Fms. viii. 103; en þat grunaði konung, at hann mundi ætla at göra eptir sumar sættir, i. e. that he had some back door to escape by, Orkn. 58 (cp. Ó. H.); allt þat er þér gerit nú fyrir þeirra sálum, id.
    V. special usages, to make allowance for; gera fóðr til fjár, to make an arbitrary allowance for, Ísl. ii. 138; hence, to suppose, en ef ek skal göra til fyrir fram ( suggest) hvat er hón (the code) segir mér, þá segi ek svá, at …, Fms. ix. 331; gera sér í hug, Fs. 112; göra sér í hugar-lund, to fancy; göra e-m getsakir, to impute to one; gera orð á e-u, to report a thing; þat er ekki orð á því geranda, ‘tis not worth talking about; eigi þarf orð at göra hjá því (‘tis not to be denied), sjálfan stólkonunginn blindaði hann, Mork. 14 (cp. Fms. vi. 168, l. c.); gera sér létt, to take a thing lightly, Am. 70; göra sér far um, to take pains; göra sér í hug, hugar-lund, to suppose.
    D. IMPERS. it makes one so and so, one becomes; hann görði fölvan í andliti, he turned pale, Glúm. 342; leysti ísinn ok görði varmt vatnið, the water became warm, 623. 34; veðr görði hvast, a gale arose, Eg. 128; hríð mikla gerði at þeim, they were overtaken by a storm, 267; þá gerði ok á hríð (acc.) veðrs, 281; féll veðrit ok gerði logn (acc.), and became calm, 372; görði þá stórt á firðinum, the sea rose high, 600; til þess er veðr lægði ok ljóst gerði, and till it cleared up, 129; um nóttina gerði á æði-veðr ok útsynning, 195; görir á fyrir þeim hafvillur, they lost their course (of sailors), Finnb. 242; mér gerir svefnhöfugt, I grow sleepy, Nj. 264; þá görði vetr mikinn þar eptir hinn næsta, Rd. 248.
    E. REFLEX, to become, grow, arise, and the like; þá görðisk hlátr, then arose laughter, Nj. 15; görðisk bardagi, it came to a fight, 62, 108; sá atburðr görðisk, it came to pass, Fms. x. 279; þau tíðendi er þar höfðu görzt, Ld. 152; gerðisk með þeim félagskapr, they entered into fellowship, Eg. 29; gerðisk svá fallit kaup, Dipl. ii. 10; Sigurðr konungr gerðisk ( grew up to be) ofstopa-maðr …, görðisk mikill maðr ok sterkr, Fms. vii. 238; hann görðisk brátt ríkr maðr ok stjórnsamr, xi. 223; Unnr görðisk þá mjök elli-móð, U. became worn with age, Ld. 12; sár þat er at ben görðisk, a law term, a wound which amounted to a bleeding wound, Nj. passim:—to be made, to become, görask konungr, to become king, Eg. 12; ok görðisk skáld hans, and became his skáld, 13; görðisk konungs hirðmaðr, 27; görask hans eigin-kona, to become his wedded wife, Fms. i. 3; at hann skyldi görask hálf-konungr yfir Dana-veldi, 83; vill Hrútr görask mágr þinn, Nj. 3; hann gerðisk síðan óvarari, he became less cautious, Fms. x. 414.
    2. with the prep. svá, to happen, come to pass so and so; svá görðisk, at …, it so happened, that …, Nj. 167; görðisk svá til, at …, Fms. x. 391; þá görðisk svá til um síðir, at…, at last it came to pass. that …, 392; enda vissi hann eigi, at þingför mundi af görask, in case he knew not that it would entail a journey to parliament, Grág. i. 46: with at added, to increase, þá görðisk þat mjök at um jarl ( it grew even worse with the earl) at hann var úsiðugr um kvenna-far, görðisk þat svá mikit, at …, it grew to such a pitch, that …, Hkr. i. 245; hence the mod. phrase, e-ð á-görist, it increases, gains, advances, esp. of illness, bad habits, and the like, never in a good sense.
    3. impers. with dat., honum gerðisk ekki mjök vært, he felt restless, Ld. 152; næsta gerisk mér kynlegt, I feel uneasy, Finnb. 236.
    4. to behave, bear oneself; Páll görðisk hraustliga í nafni Jesu, Post. 656 C. 13.
    5. to set about doing, be about; fám vetrum síðan görðisk hann vestr til Íslands, Fms. x. 415; maðr kom at honum ok spurði, hvat hann gerðisk, what he was about, Ó. H. 244; görðisk jarl til Ribbunga, Fms. ix. 312, v. l.; tveir menn görðusk ferðar sinnar, two men set out for a journey, x. 279; görðusk menn ok eigi til þess at sitja yfir hlut hans, Eg. 512; at þessir menn hafa görzk til svá mikils stórræðis, Fms. xi. 261; eigi treystusk menn at görask til við hann, Bárð. 160.
    6. (mod.) to be; in such phrases as, eins og menn nú gerast, such as people now are; eins og flestir menn gerast.
    F. PART. PASS. görr, geyrr (Fms. ix. 498, x. 75), gjörr, gerr, as adj., compar. görvari, superl. görvastr; [A. S. gearu; gare, Chaucer, Percy’s Ballads; O. H. G. garwe; Germ. gar]:—skilled, accomplished; vaskligr, at sér görr, Ld. 134; vel at sér görr, Ísl. ii. 326, Gísl. 14; gerr at sér um allt, Nj. 51; hraustir ok vel at sér görvir, Eg. 86; at engi maðr hafi gervari at sér verit en Sigurðr, Mork. 221; allra manna snjallastr í máli ok görvastr at sér, Hkr. iii. 360: the phrase, leggja görva hönd á e-t, to set a skilled hand to work, to be an adept, a master in a thing; svá hagr, at hann lagði allt á görva hönd, Fas. i. 391, (á allt görva hönd, iii. 195.)
    2. ready made, at hand; in the saying, gott er til geyrs (i. e. görs, not geirs) at taka, ‘tis good to have a thing at hand, Hkm. 17; ganga til görs, to have it ready made for one, Ld. 96; gör gjöld, prompt punishment, Lex. Poët.:—with infin., gerr at bjóða, ready to offer, Gh. 17; gervir at eiskra, in wild spirits, Hom. 11; görvar at ríða, Vsp. 24: with gen. of the thing, gerr ílls hugar, prone to evil, Hým. 9; gerr galdrs, prone to sorcery, Þd. 3; skulut þess görvir, be ready for that! Am. 55.
    II. [cp. görvi, Engl. gear], done, dressed; svá görvir, so ‘geared,’ so trussed, Am. 40.
    III. adverb. phrases, so-gurt, at soguru, so done; verða menn þat þó so-gurt at hafa, i. e. there is no redress to be had, Hrafn. 9; hafi hann so-gurt, N. G. L. i. 35, Nj. 141; kvað eigi so-gort duga, 123, v. l.; at (með) so-guru, this done, quo facto, Skv. 1. 24, 40; freq. with a notion of being left undone, re infecta. Germ. unverrichteter sache, Eg. 155, Glúm. 332, Ó. H. 202; enda siti um so-gort, and now let it stand, Skálda 166; við so-gurt, id., 655 vii. 4; á so-gurt ofan, into the bargain, Bs. i. 178, Ölk. 36, Fas. i. 85.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > GÖRA

  • 7 خزي

    خِزْي \ scandal: sth. (behaviour, etc.) that causes nasty talk: His bad treatment of his family is a scandal. disgrace: loss of favour or respect because one has done wrong: The boy was in disgrace for breaking a window. The rudeness of the employer brought disgrace on the whole company. dishonour: shame. shame: a painful feeling of dishonour or failure (concerning oneself, one’s family, etc.): He was filled with shame when his father was sent to prison.

    Arabic-English dictionary > خزي

  • 8 عار

    عَارٌ \ disgrace: loss of favour or respect because one has done wrong: The boy was in disgrace for breaking a window. The rudeness of the employer brought disgrace on the whole company. dishonour: shame. reproach: a cause for shame: These badly kept roads are a reproach to the city. scandal: sth. (behaviour, etc.) that causes nasty talk: His bad treatment of his family is a scandal. shame: a painful feeling of dishonour or failure (concerning oneself, one’s family, etc.): He was filled with shame when his father was sent to prison.

    Arabic-English dictionary > عار

  • 9 disgrace

    عَارٌ \ disgrace: loss of favour or respect because one has done wrong: The boy was in disgrace for breaking a window. The rudeness of the employer brought disgrace on the whole company. dishonour: shame. reproach: a cause for shame: These badly kept roads are a reproach to the city. scandal: sth. (behaviour, etc.) that causes nasty talk: His bad treatment of his family is a scandal. shame: a painful feeling of dishonour or failure (concerning oneself, one’s family, etc.): He was filled with shame when his father was sent to prison.

    Arabic-English glossary > disgrace

  • 10 reproach

    عَارٌ \ disgrace: loss of favour or respect because one has done wrong: The boy was in disgrace for breaking a window. The rudeness of the employer brought disgrace on the whole company. dishonour: shame. reproach: a cause for shame: These badly kept roads are a reproach to the city. scandal: sth. (behaviour, etc.) that causes nasty talk: His bad treatment of his family is a scandal. shame: a painful feeling of dishonour or failure (concerning oneself, one’s family, etc.): He was filled with shame when his father was sent to prison.

    Arabic-English glossary > reproach

  • 11 scandal

    عَارٌ \ disgrace: loss of favour or respect because one has done wrong: The boy was in disgrace for breaking a window. The rudeness of the employer brought disgrace on the whole company. dishonour: shame. reproach: a cause for shame: These badly kept roads are a reproach to the city. scandal: sth. (behaviour, etc.) that causes nasty talk: His bad treatment of his family is a scandal. shame: a painful feeling of dishonour or failure (concerning oneself, one’s family, etc.): He was filled with shame when his father was sent to prison.

    Arabic-English glossary > scandal

  • 12 shame

    عَارٌ \ disgrace: loss of favour or respect because one has done wrong: The boy was in disgrace for breaking a window. The rudeness of the employer brought disgrace on the whole company. dishonour: shame. reproach: a cause for shame: These badly kept roads are a reproach to the city. scandal: sth. (behaviour, etc.) that causes nasty talk: His bad treatment of his family is a scandal. shame: a painful feeling of dishonour or failure (concerning oneself, one’s family, etc.): He was filled with shame when his father was sent to prison.

    Arabic-English glossary > shame

  • 13 disgrace

    خِزْي \ scandal: sth. (behaviour, etc.) that causes nasty talk: His bad treatment of his family is a scandal. disgrace: loss of favour or respect because one has done wrong: The boy was in disgrace for breaking a window. The rudeness of the employer brought disgrace on the whole company. dishonour: shame. shame: a painful feeling of dishonour or failure (concerning oneself, one’s family, etc.): He was filled with shame when his father was sent to prison.

    Arabic-English glossary > disgrace

  • 14 scandal

    خِزْي \ scandal: sth. (behaviour, etc.) that causes nasty talk: His bad treatment of his family is a scandal. disgrace: loss of favour or respect because one has done wrong: The boy was in disgrace for breaking a window. The rudeness of the employer brought disgrace on the whole company. dishonour: shame. shame: a painful feeling of dishonour or failure (concerning oneself, one’s family, etc.): He was filled with shame when his father was sent to prison.

    Arabic-English glossary > scandal

  • 15 shame

    خِزْي \ scandal: sth. (behaviour, etc.) that causes nasty talk: His bad treatment of his family is a scandal. disgrace: loss of favour or respect because one has done wrong: The boy was in disgrace for breaking a window. The rudeness of the employer brought disgrace on the whole company. dishonour: shame. shame: a painful feeling of dishonour or failure (concerning oneself, one’s family, etc.): He was filled with shame when his father was sent to prison.

    Arabic-English glossary > shame

  • 16 दुर् _dur

    दुर् ind. (A prefix substituted for दुस् before words beginning with vowels or soft consonants in the sense of 'bad'. 'hard' or 'difficult to do a certain thing'; for compounds with दुस् as first member see दुस् s. v.).
    -Comp. -अक्ष a.
    1 weak-eyed.
    -2 evileyed.
    (-क्षः) 1 a loaded or false die.
    -2 dishonest gambling.
    -अक्षरम् an evil word; श्रुतिं ममाविश्य भवद्दुरक्षरं सृजत्यदः कीटकवदुत्कटा रुजः N.9.63.
    -अतिक्रम a. difficult to be overcome or conquered, unconquerable; सर्वं तु तपसा साध्यं तपो हि दुरति- क्रमम् Ms.11.2.38; स्वभावो दुरतिक्रमः 'nature cannot be changed'; स्वजातिर्दुरतिक्रमा Pt.1.
    -2 insurmountable, impassable; B. R.6.18-19.
    -3 inevitable. (
    -मः) an epithet of Viṣṇu.
    -अत्यय a.
    1 difficult to be overcome; स्वर्गमार्गपरिघो दुरत्ययः R.11.88.
    -2 hard to be attained or fathomed; स एष आत्मा स्वपरेत्यबुद्धिभिर्दुरत्यया- नुक्रमणो निरूप्यते Bhāg.7.5.13.
    -अदृष्टम् ill-luck, misfortune.
    -अधिग, -अधिगम a.
    1 hard to reach or attain, unattainable; Bhāg.3.23.8; दुरधिगमः परभागो यावत्पुरुषेण पौरुषं न कृतम् Pt.1.33.
    -2 insurmountable.
    -3 hard to be studied or understood; इह दुरधिगमैः किञ्चि- देवागमैः Ki.5.18.
    -अधिष्ठित a. badly performed, managed, or executed. (
    -तम्) improper stay at a place.
    -अधीत a. badly learnt or read.
    -अध्यय a.
    1 difficult of attainment; सहस्रवर्त्मा चपलैर्दुरध्ययः Śi.12.11.
    -2 hard to be studied.
    -अध्यवसायः a foolish undertaking.
    -अध्वः a bad road; स्वयं दुरध्वार्णवनाविकाः कथं स्पृशन्तु विज्ञाय हृदापि तादृशीम् N.9.33.
    -अन्त a.
    1 whose end is difficult to be reached, endless, infinite; संकर्षणाय सूक्ष्माय दुरन्तायान्तकाय च Bhāg.
    -2 ending ill or in misery, unhappy; अहो दुरन्ता बलवद्विरोधिता Ki.1.23; नृत्यति युवति- जनेन समं सखि विरहिजनस्य दुरन्ते (वसन्ते) Gīt.1; इयमुदरदरी- दुरन्तधारा यदि न भवेदभिमानभङ्गभूमिः Udb.
    -3 hard to be understood or known.
    -4 insurmountable.
    -अन्तक a. = दुरन्त q. v. (
    -कः) an epithet of Śiva.
    -अन्वय a.
    1 difficult to be passed along; Mb.14.51.17.
    -2 hard to be carried out or followed.
    -3 difficult to be attained. or understood; बुद्धिश्च ते महाप्राज्ञ देवैरपि दुरन्वया Rām.3. 66.18.
    -4 not suitable, improper; वचो दुरन्वयं विप्रास्तूष्णी- मासन्भ्रमद्धियः Bhāg.1.84.14.
    (-यः) 1 a wrong conclusion, one wrongly inferred from given premisses.
    -2 (in gram.) a false agreement.
    -अपवादः ill report. slander.
    -अभिग्रह a. difficult to be caught.
    -अभि- मानिन् a. vain-glorious, disagreeably proud.
    - अवगम a. incomprehensible; Bhāg.5.13.26.
    -अवग्रह a.
    1 difficult to be restrained or subjugated; भक्ता भजस्व दुरवग्रह मा त्यजास्मान् Bhāg.1.29.31.
    -2 disagreeable.
    -अवग्राह a. difficult to be attained; Bhāg.7.1.19.
    -अवच्छद a. difficult to be hidden; हेतुभिर्लक्षयांचक्रुराप्रीतां दुरवच्छदैः Bhāg.1.62.28.
    -अवबोध a. unintelligible. Bhāg.1.49.29.
    -अवसित a. unfathomed, difficult to be ascertained, द्युपतिभिरजशक्रशंकराद्यैर्दुरवसितस्तवमच्युतं नतो$स्मि Bhāg.12.12.67.
    -अवस्थ a. ill off, badly or poorly circumstanced.
    -अवस्था, -स्थानम् a wretched or miser- able state; Bhāg.5.3.12.
    -अवाप a. difficult to be gained or fulfilled; Ś.1.
    -अवेक्षितम् an improper look.
    -अह्नः a bad day.
    -आकृति a. ugly, mis-shaped.
    -आक्रन्द a. crying bitterly or miserably; किं क्रन्दसि दुराक्रन्द स्वपक्ष- क्षयकारक Pt.4.29.
    -आक्रम a.
    1 invincible, unconquer- able.
    -2 difficult to be passed.
    -आक्रमणम् 1 unfair attack.
    -2 difficult approach.
    -आगमः improper or illegal acquisition.
    -आग्रहः foolish obstinacy, head- strongness, pertinacity; ममाहमित्यूढदुराग्रहाणां पुंसाम् Bhāg.3. 5.43.
    1 hard to be performed.
    -2 incurable (as a disease).
    -आचार a.
    1 ill-conducted, badly be- haved.
    -2 following bad practices, wicked, depraved; अपि चेत्सुदुराचारो भजते मामनन्यभाक् Bg.9.3. (
    -रः) bad practice, ill-conduct, wikedness.
    -आढ्य a. not rich, poor.
    -आत्मता vileness, baseness, wickedness.
    -आत्मन् a. evil-natured, low, wicked, vile, base, mean; ये च प्राहुर्दुरात्मानो दुराराध्या महीभुजः Pt.1.39. (-m.) a rascal, villain, scoundrel.
    - आधर a. difficult to be withstood or overpowered, irresistible.
    -आधर्ष a. hard to be approached or assailed, unassailable जगन्नाथो दुराधर्षो गङ्गां भागीरथीं प्रति Mb.
    -2 not to be attacked with impu- nity.
    -3 haughty. (
    -र्षः) white mustard.
    -आधारः an epithet of Śiva.
    -आधिः (m.)
    1 distress or anxiety of mind; निरस्तनारीसमया दुराधयः Ki.1.28.
    -2 indignation.
    -आधी a. Ved. malignant, thinking ill of.
    - आनम a. difficult to bend or draw; स विचिन्त्य धनुर्दुरानमम् R.11.38.
    -आप a.
    1 difficult to be obtained; श्रिया दुरापः कथमीप्सितो भवेत् Ś.3.13; R.1.72;6.62.
    -2 difficult to be ap- proached; Pt.1.67.
    -3 hard to be overcome.
    -आपादन a. difficult to be brought about; किं दुरापादनं तेषाम् Bhāg.3.23.42.
    -आपूर a. difficult to be filled or satisfied; Bhāg.7.6.8.
    -आबाध a. hard to be molested. (
    -धः) N. of Śiva.
    -आमोदः bad scent, stench; शवधूमदुरामोदः शालिभक्ते$त्र विद्यते Ks.82.22.
    -आराध्य a. difficult to be propitiated, hard to be won over or conciliated; दुराराध्याः श्रियो राज्ञां दुरापा दुष्परिग्रहाः Pt.1.38.
    -आरुह a. difficult to be mounted.
    (-हः) 1 the Bilva tree.
    -2 the cocoanut tree.
    -3 the date tree.
    -आरोप a. difficult to be strung (bow); दुरारोपमैन्दुशेखरं धनुर्दुर्निवारा रावणभुजदण्डाः B. R.1.46-47.
    -आरोह a. difficult of ascent.
    (-हः) 1 The cocoanut tree.
    -2 the palm tree.
    -3 the date tree.
    -आलापः 1 a curse, imprecation.
    -2 foul of abusive language.
    -आलोक a.
    1 difficult to be seen or perceived.
    -2 painfully bright, dazzling; दुरालोकः स समरे निदाघाम्बररत्नवत् K. P.1. (
    -कः) dazzling splendour.
    -आव(वा)र a.
    1 difficult to be covered or filled up; दुरावरं त्वदन्येन राज्यखण्डमिदं महत् Rām.2.15.5.
    -2 difficult to be restrained, shut in, kept back or stopped.
    -आवर्त a. difficult to be convinced or set up; भवन्ति सुदुरावर्ता हेतुमन्तो$पि पण्डिताः Mb.12.19.23.
    1 evil-minded, wicked, malicious, स्फुटनिर्भिन्नो दुराशयो$धमः Śi. उपेयिवान् मूलमशेषमूलं दुराशयः कामदुघाङ्घ्रिपस्य Bhāg.3.21.15.
    -2 having a bad place or rest. (-m.) the subtle body which is not destroyed by death (लिङ्गदेह); एतन्मे जन्म लोके$स्मिन्मुमुक्षूणां दुराशयात् Bhāg.3.24. 36.
    -आशा 1 a bad or wicked desire.
    -2 hoping against hope.
    -आस a. difficult to be abided or associated with; संघर्षिणा सह गुणाभ्यधिकैर्दुरासम् Śi.5.19.
    1 difficult to be approached or overtaken; स सभूव दुरासदः परैः R.3.66; 8.4; Mv.2.5; 4.15.
    -2 difficult to be found or met with.
    -3 unequalled, unparalleled.
    -4 hard to be borne, insupportable.
    -5 difficult to be conquered, unassailable, unconquerable; जहि शत्रुं महाबाहो कामरूपं दुरासदम् Bg.3.43. (
    -दः) an epithet of Śiva.
    -इत a.
    1 difficult.
    -2 sinful.
    (-तम्) 1 a bad course, evil, sin; दरिद्राणां दैन्यं दुरितमथ दुर्वासनहृदां द्रुतं दूरीकुर्वन् G. L.2; R.8.2; Amaru.2; Mv.3.43.
    -2 a difficulty, danger.
    -3 a calamity, evil; अपत्ये यत्तादृग्- दुरितमभवत् U.4.3.
    -इतिः f. Ved.
    1 a bad course.
    -2 difficulty.
    -इष्टम् 1 a curse, imprecation.
    -2 a spell or sacrificial rite performed to injure another person.
    -ईशः a bad lord or master.
    -ईषणा, -एषणा 1 a curse, an imprecation.
    -2 an evil eye.
    -उक्त a. harshly utter- ed; Pt.1.89.
    -उक्तम्, -उक्तिः f. offensive speech, reproach, abuse, censure; लक्ष्मि क्षमस्व वचनीयमिदं दुरुक्तम् Udb.
    -उच्छेद a. difficult to be destroyed.
    -उत्तर a.
    1 unanswerable.
    -2 difficult to be crossed; दुरुत्तरे पङ्क इवान्धकारे Bk.11.2; प्राप्तः पङ्को दुरुत्तरः Ki.15.17.
    - उदय a. appearing with difficulty, not easily manifested; यो$ नात्मनां दुरुदयो भगवान्प्रतीतः Bhāg.3.16.5.
    -उदर्क a. having bad or no consequences; N.5.41.
    -उदाहर a. diffi- cult to be pronounced or composed; अनुज्झितार्थसंबन्धः प्रबन्धो दुरुदाहरः Śi.2.73.
    -उद्वह a. burdensome, unbear- able.
    - उपसद a. difficult of approach; Ki.7.9.
    -उपसर्पिन् a. approaching incautiously; एकमेव दहत्यग्निर्नरं दुरुपसर्पिणम् Ms.7.9.
    -ऊह a. abstruse; जानीते जयदेव एव शरणः श्लाघ्ये दुरूहद्रुते Gīt.
    -एव a. Ved.
    1 having evil ways.
    -2 irresis- tible, unassailable. (
    -वः) a wicked person.
    -ओषस् a. Ved. slow, lazy.
    - ग 1 difficult of access, inaccessible, impervious, impassable; दुर्गस्त्वेष महापन्थाः Mb.12.3. 5; दुर्गं पथस्तत्कवयो वदन्ति Kaṭh.1.3.14.
    -2 unattain- able.
    -3 incomprehensible.
    -4 following wicked path, vicious; Rām.2.39.22.
    (-गः, -गम्) 1 a difficult or narrow passage through a wood or over a stream, mountain &c., a defile, narrow pass.
    -2 a citadel. fortress, castle; न दुर्गं दुर्गमित्येव दुर्गमं मन्यते जनः । तस्य दुर्गमता सैव यत्प्रभुस्तस्य दुर्गमः ॥ Śiva. B.16.61.
    -3 rough ground.
    -4 difficulty, adversity, calamity, distress, danger; निस्तारयतिं दुर्गाच्च Ms.3.98;11.43; मच्चित्तः सर्व- दुर्गाणि मत्प्रसादात्तरिष्यसि; Bg.18.58.
    (-गः) 1 bdellium.
    -2 the Supreme Being.
    -3 N. of an Asura slain by Durgā (thus receiving her name from him). ˚अध्यक्षः, ˚पतिः, ˚पालः the commandant or governor of a castle. ˚अन्तः The suburb of a fort; दुर्गान्ते सिद्धतापसाः Kau. A. 1.12. ˚कर्मन् n. fortification. ˚कारक a. making difficult. (
    -कः) the birch tree. ˚घ्नी N. of Durgā. ˚तरणी an epithet of Sāvitrī. सावित्री दुर्गतरणी वीणा सप्तविधा तथा Mb. ˚मार्गः a defile, gorge. ˚लङ्घनम् surmounting difficu- lties. (
    -नः) a camel. ˚संचरः
    1 a difficult passage as to a fort &c., a bridge &c. over a defile. ˚संस्कारः Repairs to the old forts; अतो दुर्गसंस्कार आरब्धव्ये किं कौमुदीमहोत्सवेन Mu. ˚सिंहः N. of the author of कलापपरिशिष्ट. ˚व्यसनम् a defect or weak point in a fortress. (
    -र्गा) an epithet of Pārvatī, wife of Śiva.
    -2 the female cuckoo
    -3 N. of several plants. ˚नवमी the 9th day of the bright half of कार्तिक. ˚पूजा the chief festival in honour of दुर्गा in Bengal in the month of Āśvina.
    -गत a.
    1 unfortunate, in bad circumstances; समाश्वसिमि केनाहं कथं प्राणिमि दुर्गतः Bk.18.1.
    -2 indigent, poor.
    -3 distressed, in trouble.
    -गतता ill-luck, poverty, misery; तावज्जन्मातिदुःखाय ततो दुर्गतता सदा Pt.1.265.
    -गतिः f.
    1 misfortune, poverty, want, trouble, indigence; न हि कल्याणकृत्कश्चिद् दुर्गतिं तात गच्छति Bg.6.4.
    -2 a difficult situation or path.
    -3 hell.
    -गन्ध a. ill-smelling.
    (-न्धः) 1 bad odour, stink
    -2 any ill-smelling substance.
    -3 an onion.
    -4 the mango tree. (
    -न्धम्) sochal salt.
    -गन्धि, -गन्धिन् a. ill-smelling.
    -गम a.
    1 impassable, inaccessible, impervious; कामिनीकायकान्तारे कुचपर्वतदुर्गमे Bh.1.86; Śi. 12.49.
    -2 unattainable, difficult of attainment.
    -3 hard to be understood. (
    -मम्) a difficult place like hill etc; भ्राम्यन्ते दुर्गमेष्वपि Pt.5.81.
    -गाढ, -गाध, -गाह्य a. difficult to be fathomed or investigated, unfathomable.
    -गुणितम् not properly studied; चिराम्यस्तपथं याति शास्त्रं दुर्गुणितं यथा Avimārakam.2.4.
    -गोष्ठी evil association; conspiracy. वृद्धो रक्कः कम्पनेशो दुर्गोष्ठीमध्यगो$भवत् Rāj. T.6. 17.
    -ग्रह a.
    1 difficult to be gained or accomplished.
    -2 difficult to be conquered or subjugated; दुर्गाणि दुर्ग्रहाण्यासन् तस्य रोद्धुरपि द्विषाम् R.17.52.
    -3 hard to be understood.
    (-हः) 1 a cramp, spasm.
    -2 obstinacy.
    -3 whim, monomania; कथं न वा दुर्ग्रहदोष एष ते हितेन सम्य- ग्गुरुणापि शम्यते N.9.41.
    -घट a.
    1 difficult. कार्याणि घटयन्नासीद् दुर्घटान्यपि हेलया Rāj. T.4.364.
    -2 impossible.
    -घण a.
    1 closely packed together, very compact.
    -घुरुटः An unbeliever; L. D. B.
    -घोषः 1 a harsh cry.
    -2 a bear.
    -जन a.
    1 wicked, bad, vile.
    -2 slanderous, malicious, mischievous; यथा स्त्रीणां तथा वाचां साधुत्वे दुर्जनो जनः U.1.6. (
    -नः) a bad or wicked person, a malicious or mischievous man, villain; दुर्जनः प्रियवादी च नैतद्विश्वास- कारणम् Chāṇ.24,25; शाम्येत्प्रत्यपकारेण नोपकारेण दुर्जनः Ku.2.4. (दुर्जनायते Den. Ā. to become wicked; स्वजनो$पि दरिद्राणां तत्क्षणाद् दुर्जनायते Pt.1.5.). (दुर्जनीकृ [च्वि] to make blameworthy; दुर्जनीकृतास्मि अनेन मां चित्रगतां दर्शयता Nāg.2).
    -जय a. invincible. (
    -यः) N. of Viṣṇu.
    -जर a.
    1 ever youthful; तस्मिन्स्तनं दुर्जरवीर्यमुल्बणं घोराङ्कमादाय शिशोर्दधावथ Bhāg.1.6.1.
    -2 hard (as food), indigestible.
    -3 difficult to be enjoyed; राजश्रीर्दुर्जरा तस्य नवत्वे भूभुजो$भवत् Rāj. T.5.19.
    -जात a.
    1 unhappy, wretched.
    -2 bad-tempered, bad, wicked; Rāj. T.3. 142.
    -3 false, not genuine. ˚जीयिन् a. one who is born in vain; यो न यातयते वैरमल्पसत्त्वोद्यमः पुमान् । अफलं जन्म तस्याहं मन्ये दुर्जातजायिनः ॥ Mb.
    (-तम्) 1 a misfortune, calamity, difficulty; त्वं तावद् दुर्जाते मे$त्यन्तसाहाय्यकारिणी भव M.3; दुर्जातबन्धुः R.13.72. 'a friend in need or adversity.'
    -2 impropriety.
    -जाति a.
    1 bad natured, vile, wicked; रुदितशरणा दुर्जातीनां सहस्व रुषां फलम् Amaru.96.
    -2 out- cast. (
    -तिः f.) misfortune, ill condition.
    -ज्ञान, -ज्ञेय a. difficult to be known, incomprehensible. उच्चावचेषु भुतेषु दुर्ज्ञेयामकृतात्मभिः Ms.6.73. (
    -यः) N. of Śiva.
    -णयः, -नयः, -नीतिः 1 bad conduct.
    -2 impropriety
    -3 in- justice.
    -णामन्, -नामन् a. having a bad name.
    -णीत a.
    1 ill-behaved.
    -2 impolitic.
    -3 forward. (
    -तम्) miscon- duct; दुर्णीतं किमिहास्ति किं सुचरितं कः स्थानलाभे गुणः H.
    -दम, -दमन, -दम्य a. difficult to be subdued, untamable, indomitable.
    -दर्श a.
    1 difficult to be seen.
    -2 dazzling; सुदुर्दर्शमिदं रूपं दृष्टवानसि यन्मन Bg.11.52.
    -दर्शन a. ugly, ill-looking; दुर्दर्शनेन घटतामियमप्यनेन Māl.2.8.
    -दशा a misfortune, calamity.
    -दान्त a.
    1 hard to be tamed or subdued, untamable; Śi.12.22.
    -2 intractable, proud, insolent; दुर्दान्तानां दमनविधयः क्षत्रियेष्वायतन्ते Mv.3.34.
    (-तः) 1 a calf.
    -2 a strife, quarrel.
    -3 N. of Śiva.
    -दिन a. cloudy, rainy.
    (-नम्) 1 a bad day in general; तद्दिनं दुर्दिनं मन्ये यत्र मित्रागमो हि न Subhāṣ.
    -2 a rainy or cloudy day, stormy or rainy weather; उन्नमत्यकालदुर्दिनम् Mk.5; Ku.6 43; Mv.4.57.
    -3 a shower (of any- thing); द्विषां विषह्य काकुत्स्थस्तत्र नाराचदुर्दिनम् ॥ सन्मङ्गलस्नात इव R.4.41,82;5.47; U.5.5.
    -4 thick darkness; जीमूतैश्च दिशः सर्वाश्चक्रे तिमिरदुर्दिनाः Mb. (दुर्दिनायते Den. Ā. to become cloudy.)
    -दिवसः a dark or rainy day; Pt.1.173.
    -दुरूटः, -ढः 1 an unbeliever
    -2 an abusive word.
    -दृश a.
    1 disagreeable to the sight, disgusting; दुर्दृशं तत्र राक्षसं घोररूपमपश्यत्सः Mb.1.2.298.
    -2 difficult to be seen; पादचारमिवादित्यं निष्पतन्तं सुदुर्दृशम् Rām.7.33.5.
    -दृष्ट a. ill- judged or seen, wrongly decided; Y.2.35.
    -दैवम् ill-luck, misfortune.
    -द्यूतम् an unfair game.
    -द्रुमः onion (green).
    -धर a.
    1 irresistible, difficult to be stopped.
    -2 difficult to be borne or suffered; दुर्धरेण मदनेन साद्यते Ghat.11; Ms.7.28.
    -3 difficult to be accomplished.
    -4 difficult to be kept in memory. (
    -रः) quicksilver.
    -धर्ष a.
    1 inviolable, unassailable.
    -2 inaccessible; संयोजयति विद्यैव नीचगापि नरं सरित् । समुद्रमिव दुर्धर्षं नृपं भाग्य- मतः परम् ॥ H. Pr.5.
    -3 fearful, dreadful.
    -4 haughty.
    -धी a. stupid, silly.
    -नयः 1 arrogance.
    -2 immorality.
    -3 evil strategy; उन्मूलयितुमीशो$हं त्रिवर्गमिव दुर्नयः Mu.5.22.
    -नामकः piles. ˚अरिः a kind of bulbous root (Mar. सुरण).
    -नामन् m. f. a cockle. (-n.) piles.
    -निग्रह a. irre- pressible, unruly; मनो दुर्निग्रहं चलम् Bg.6.35.
    -निमित a. carelessly put or placed on the ground; पदे पदे दुर्निमिते गलन्ती R.7.1.
    -निमित्तम् 1 a bad omen; R.14.5.
    -2 a bad pretext.
    -निवार, -निवार्य a. difficult to be check- ed or warded off, irresistible, invincible.
    -नीतम् 1 mis- conduct, bad policy, demerit, misbehaviour; दुर्णीतं किमि- हास्ति Pt.2.21; H.1.49.
    -2 ill-luck.
    -नीतिः f. mal- administration; दुर्नीतिं तव वीक्ष्य कोपदहनज्वालाजटालो$पि सन्; Bv.4.36.
    -नृपः a bad king; आसीत् पितृकुलं तस्य भक्ष्यं दुर्नृप- रक्षसः Rāj. T.5.417.
    -न्यस्त a. badly arranged; दुर्न्यस्त- पुष्परचितो$पि Māl.9.44.
    -बल a.
    1 weak, feeble.
    -2 enfeebled, spiritless; दुर्बलान्यङ्गकानि U.1.24.
    -3 thin, lean, emaciated; U.3.
    -4 small, scanty, little; स्वार्थोप- पत्तिं प्रति दुर्बलाशः R.5.12.
    -बाध a. Unrestrained (अनिवार); दुर्बाधो जनिदिवसान्मम प्रवृद्धः (आधिः); Mv.6.28.
    -बाल a.
    1 bald-headed.
    -2 void of prepuce.
    -3 having crook- ed hair.
    -बुद्धि a.
    1 silly, foolish, stupid.
    -2 perverse, evil-minded, wicked; धार्तराष्ट्रस्य दुर्बुद्धेर्युद्धे प्रियचिकीर्षवः (समा- गताः) Bg.1.23
    -बुध a. wicked-minded, silly; Mb. 11.4.18.
    -बोध a. unintelligible, unfathomable, inscru- table; निसर्गदुर्बोधमबोधविक्लवाः क्व भूपतीनां चरितं क्व जन्तवः Ki. 1.6.
    -भग a.
    1 unfortunate, unlucky; श्रीवल्लभं दुर्भगाः (निन्दन्ति) Pt.1.415.
    -2 not possessed of good features, ill-looking.
    -भगा 1 a wife disliked by her husband; दुर्भगाभरणप्रायो ज्ञानं भारः क्रियां विना H.1.17.
    -2 an ill-tempered woman, a shrew.
    -3 a widow;
    -भर a. insupportable, burdensome, heavily laden with (comp.); ततो राजाब्रवीदेतं बहुव्यसनदुर्भरः Ks.112.156.
    -भाग्य a. unfortunate, unlucky. (
    ग्यम्) ill-luck.
    -भावना 1 an evil thought.
    -2 a bad tendency.
    -भिक्षम् 1 scarcity of provisions, dearth, famine; Y.2.147; Ms.8.22; उत्सवे व्यसने चैव दुर्भिक्षे... यस्तिष्ठति स बान्धवः H.1.71; Pt.2.
    -2 want in general.
    -भिद, -भेद, -भेद्य a. firm; सुजनस्तु कनकघटवद् दुर्भेद्यश्चाशु संध्येयः Subhāṣ.
    -भृत्यः a bad servant.
    -भिषज्यम् incurability; Bṛi. Up.4.3.14.
    -भ्रातृ m. a bad brother.
    -मङ्कु a. obstinate, disobedient.
    -मति a.
    1 silly, stupid, foolish, ignorant.
    -2 wicked, evilminded; न सांपरायिकं तस्य दुर्मतेर्विद्यते फलम् Ms.11.3.
    -मद a. drun- ken, ferocious, maddened, infatuated; Bhāg.1.15.7.
    -दः foolish pride, arrogance.
    -दम् the generative organ; ग्रामकं नाम विषयं दुर्मदेन समन्वितः Bhāg.4.25.52.
    -मनस् a. troubled in mind, discouraged, disspirited, sad, malancholy; अद्य बार्हस्पतः श्रीमान् युक्तः पुष्येण राघवः । प्रोच्यतै ब्राह्मणैः प्राज्ञैः केन त्वमसि दुर्मनाः ॥ Rām. [दुर्मनायते Den. Ā. to be troubled in mind, be sad, meditate sorrowfully, to be disconso- late, become vexed or fretted; Māl.3].
    -मनुष्यः a bad or wicked man.
    -मन्त्रः, -मन्त्रितम्, -मन्त्रणा evil advice, bad counsel; दुर्मन्त्रान्नृपतिर्विनश्यति; Pt.1.169.
    -मरम् a hard or difficult death; Mb.14.61.9.
    -मरी a kind of दूर्वा grass.
    -मरणम् violent or unnatural death.
    -मर्ष a.
    1 unbearable; Bhāg.6.5.42.
    -2 obstinate, hostile.
    -मर्षणः N. of Viṣṇu.
    -मर्षित a. provocated, encouraged; एवं दुर्मर्षितो राजा स मात्रा बभ्रुवाहनः Mb.14. 79.13,
    -मर्याद a. immodest, wicked.
    -मल्लिका, -मल्ली a minor drama, comedy, farce; S. D.553.
    -मित्रः 1 a bad friend.
    -2 an enemy.
    -मुख a.
    1 having a bad face, hideous, ugly; Bh.1.9.
    -2 foul-mouthed, abusive, scurrilous; Bh.2.69.
    (-खः) 1 a horse.
    -2 N. of Śiva.
    -3 N. of a serpent king (Nm.)
    -4 N. of a monkey (Nm.)
    -5 N. of a year (29th year out of 6 years cycle).
    -मूल्य a. highly priced, dear.
    -मेधस् a. silly, foolish, dull-headed, dull; Pt.1. (-m.) a dunce, dull-headed man, blockhead; ग्रन्थानधीत्य व्याकर्तु- मिति दुर्मेधसो$प्यलम् Śi.2.26.
    -मैत्र a. unfriendly, hostile; Bhāg.7.5.27.
    -यशस् n. ill-repute, dishonour.
    -योगः 1 bad or clumsy contrivance.
    -2 a bad combi- nation.
    -योध, -योधन a. invincible, unconquerable. (
    -नः) the eldest of the 11 sons of Dhṛitarāṣṭra and Gāndhārī. [From his early years he conceived a deep hatred for his cousins the Pāṇḍavas, but particularly Bhīma, and made every effort he could to compass their destruction. When his father pro- posed to make Yudhiṣṭhira heir-apparent, Duryodhana did not like the idea, as his father was the reigning sovereign, and prevailed upon his blind father to send the Pāṇḍavas away into exile. Vāraṇāvata was fixed upon as their abode, and under pretext of constructing a palatial building for their residence, Duryodhana caused a palace to be built mostly of lac, resin and other combustible materials, thereby hoping to see them all destroyed when they should enter it. But the Paṇḍavas were forewarned and they safely escaped. They then lived at Indraprastha, and Yudhiṣṭhira performed the Rājasuya sacrifice with great pomp and splendour. This event further excited the anger and jealousy of Duryodhana, who was already vexed to find that his plot for burning them up had signally failed, and he induced his father to invite the Pāṇḍavas to Hastināpura to play with dice (of which Yudhiṣṭhira was particularly fond). In that gambling-match, Duryodhana, who was ably assisted by his maternal uncle Śakuni, won from Yudhiṣṭhira everything that he staked, till the infatuated gambler staked himself, his brothers, and Draupadī herself, all of whom shared the same fate. Yudhiṣṭhira, as a condition of the wager, was forced to go to the forest with his wife and brothers, and to remain there for twelve years and to pass one addi- tional year incognito. But even this period, long as it was, expired, and after their return from exile both the Pāṇḍavas and Kauravas made great preparations for the inevitable struggle and the great Bhāratī war commenced. It lasted for eighteen days during which all the Kauravas, with most of their allies, were slain. It was on the last day of the war that Bhīma fought a duel with Duryodhana and smashed his thigh with his club.] मोघं तवेदं भुवि नामधेयं दुर्योधनेतीह कृतं पुरस्तात् न हीह दुर्योधनता तवास्ति पलायमानस्य रणं विहाय Mb.4.65.17.
    -योनि a. of a low birth, न कथंचन दुर्योनिः प्रकृतिं स्वां नियच्छति Ms.1.59.
    -लक्ष्य a. difficult to be seen or perceived, hardly visible.
    -क्ष्यम् bad aim; मनः प्रकृत्यैव चलं दुर्लक्ष्यं च तथापि मे Ratn.3.2.
    -लभ a.
    1 difficult to be attained, or accomplished; R.1.67;17.7; Ku.4.4;5.46,61; दुर्लभं भारते जन्म मानुष्यं तत्र दुर्लभम् Subhāṣ.
    -2 difficult to be found or met with, scarce, rare; शुद्धान्तदुर्लभम् Ś.1.17.
    -3 best, excellent, eminent.
    -ग्रामः a village situated close to a large village and inhabited by the free-holders (अग्र- हारोपजीविनः); Māna.1.79-8.
    -4 dear, beloved.
    -5 costly.
    -ललित a.
    1 spoilt by fondling, fondled too much, hard to please; हा मदङ्कदुर्ललित Ve.4; V.2.8; Māl.9.
    -2 (hence) wayward, naughty, illbred, unruly; स्पृहयामि खलु दुर्ललितायास्मै Ś.7. (
    -तम्) waywardness, rudeness.
    -लेख्यम् a forged document. Y.2.91.
    -वच a.
    1 difficult to be described, indescribable. अपि वागधिपस्य दुर्वचं वचनं तद् विदधीत विस्मयम् Ki.2.2.
    -2 not to be talked about.
    -3 speaking improperly, abusing. (
    -चम्) abuse, censure, foul language.
    -वचस् n. abuse, censure; असह्यं दुर्वचो ज्ञातेर्मेघा- न्तरितरौद्रवत् Udb.
    -वर्ण a. bad-coloured.
    -र्णः 1 bad colour.
    -2 impurity; यथा हेम्नि स्थितो वह्निर्दुवर्णं हन्ति धातु- जम् Bhāg.12.3.47.
    (-र्णम्) 1 silver. दुर्वर्णभित्तिरिह सान्द्रसुधासुवर्णा Śi.4.28.
    -2 a kind of leprosy.
    -वस a. difficult to be resided in.
    -वसतिः f. painful residence; R.8.94.
    -वह a. heavy, difficult to be borne; दुर्वहगर्भखिन्नसीता U.2.1; Ku.1.11.
    -वाच् a. speaking ill. (-f.)
    1 evil words, abuse.
    -2 inelegant language or speech.
    -वाच्य a.
    1 difficult to be spoken or uttered.
    -2 abusive, scurrilous.
    -3 harsh, cruel (as words).
    (-च्यम्) 1 censure, abuse.
    -2 scandal, ill-repute.
    -वातः a fart. ˚वातय Den. P. to break wind or fart; इत्येके विहसन्त्येनमेके दुर्वातयन्ति च Bhāg.11.23.4.
    -वादः slander, defamation, calumny.
    -वार, -वारण a. irresistible, unbearable; R.14.87; किं चायमरिदुर्वारः पाणौ पाशः प्रचेतसः Ku.2.21.
    -वासना 1 evil propensity, wicked desire; कः शत्रुर्वद खेददानकुशलो दुर्वासनासंचयः Bv. 1.86.
    -2 a chimera.
    -वासस् a.
    1 ill-dressed.
    -2 naked. (-m.) N. of a very irascible saint or Ṛiṣi, son of Atri and Anasūyā. (He was very hard to please, and he cursed many a male and female to suffer misery and degradation. His anger, like that of Jama- dagni, has become almost proverbial.)
    -वाहितम् a heavy burden; उरोजपूर्णकुम्भाङ्का सदुर्वाहितविभ्रमा Rāj. T.4.18.
    -विगाह, -विगाह्य a. difficult to be penetrated or fathomed, unfathomable.
    -विचिन्त्य inconcei- vable, inscrutable
    -विद a. difficult to be known or discovered; नूनं गतिः कृतान्तस्य प्राज्ञैरपि सुदुर्विदा Mb.7.78. 2.
    -विदग्ध 1 unskilled, raw, foolish, stupid, silly.
    -2 wholly ignorant.
    -3 foolishly puffed up, elated. vainly proud; वृथाशस्त्रग्रहणदुर्विदग्ध Ve.3; ज्ञानलवदुर्विदग्धं ब्रह्मापि नरं न रञ्जयति Bh.2.3.
    -विद्ध a. Badly perforated (a pearl); Kau. A.2.11.
    -विद्य a. uneducated; Rāj. T.1.354.
    -विध a.
    1 mean, base, low.
    -2 wicked, vile.
    -3 poor, indigent; विदधाते रुचिगर्वदुर्विधम् N.2.23.
    -4 stupid, foolish, silly; विविनक्ति न बुद्धिदुर्विधः Śi.16.39.
    -विनयः misconduct, imprudence.
    -विनीत a.
    1 (a) badly educated, ill-mannered; ill-behaved, wicked; शासितरि दुर्विनीतानाम् Ś.1.24. (b) rude, naughty, mis- chievous.
    -2 stubborn, obstinate.
    (-तः) 1 a restive or untrained horse.
    -2 a wayward person, reprobate.
    -विपाक a. producing bad fruit; श्रितासि चन्दनभ्रान्त्या दुर्विपाकं विषद्रुमम् U.1.46.
    (-कः) 1 bad result or conse- quence; U.1.4; किं नो विधिरिह वचने$प्यक्षमो दुर्विपाकः Mv. 6.7.
    -2 evil consequences of acts done either in this or in a former birth.
    -विभाव्य a. inconceivable; also दुर्विभाव; असद्वृत्तेरहो वृत्तं दुर्विभावं विधेरिव Ki.11.56.
    -विमर्श a. difficult to be tried or examined; यो दुर्विमर्शपथया निजमाययेदं सृष्ट्वा गुणान्विभजते तदनुप्रविष्टः Bhāg.1.49.29.
    -विलसितम् a wayward act, rudeness, naughtiness; डिम्भस्य दुर्विलसितानि मुदे गुरूणाम् B. R.4.6.
    -विलासः a bad or evil turn of fate; U.1.
    -विवाहः a censurable marriage; इतरेषु तु शिष्टेषु नृशंसानृतवादिनः । जायन्ते दुर्विवाहेषु ब्रह्मधर्मद्विषः सुताः ॥ Ms.3.41.
    -विष a. ill-natured, malignant. (
    -षः) N. of Śiva.
    -विषह a. unbearable, intolerable, irresistible. (
    -हः) N. of Śiva.
    -वृत्त a.
    1 vile, wicked, ill-behaved.
    -2 roguish. (
    -त्तम्) misconduct, ill-behaviour. दुर्वृत्तवृत्तशमनं तव देवि शीलम् Devīmāhātmya.
    -वृत्तिः f.
    1 misconduct.
    -2 misery, want, distress.
    -3 fraud.
    -वृष्टिः f. insufficient rain, drought.
    -वेद a. difficult to be known or ascertained.
    -व्यवहारः a wrong judgment in law.
    -व्यवहृतिः f. ill-report or rumour.
    -व्यसनम् 1 a fond pursuit or resolve; Mu.3.
    -2 bad propensity, vice; तेन दुर्व्यसनेनासीद्भोजने$पि कदर्थना Ks.73.73.
    -व्रत a. not conforming to rules, disobedient.
    -हुतम् a badly offered sacrifice.
    -हृद् a. wicked-hearted, ill-disposed, inimical; अकुर्वतोर्वां शुश्रूषां क्लिष्टयोर्दुर्हृदा भृशम् Bhāg.1.45.9. (-m.) an enemy.
    -हृदय a. evil-minded, evil-intention- ed, wicked.
    -हृषीक a. having defective organs of sense.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > दुर् _dur

  • 17 ÞAT

    1) neut. from , that, it (þat var einhverju sinni, at);
    3) conj. that, = at (sagði sönn tíðindi af ferðum Þorgils ok þat hann hafði eltan Hrafn á fjöll upp).
    * * *
    or mod. það, neut. of a demonstr. pron.; the nom. sing. is of a different root, sá, sú (p. 516); the other cases are,—gen. þess, þeirar, þess; dat. þeim, þeiri, því and þí; acc. þann, þá, þat: plur. þeir, þær, þau; gen. þeirra; dat. þeim; acc. þá, þær, þau (mod. þaug): the mod. forms have rr in þeirrar, þeirri, þeirra; but for the olden time they are less correct, as may be seen from rhymes: [Goth. þata; Engl. that; Germ. dass, i. e. daz; Dan. det.]
    A. That, in the various cases, see Gramm. p. xxi; Óláfr tók því vel, … kvaðsk hennar forsjá hlíta um þat mál, … þat sama haust, … þann dag svaf Unnr í lengra lagi, … nefni ek til þess Björn ok Helga, … eptir þat stóð Unnr upp ok kvaðsk ganga mundu þeirrar skemmu, sem hón var vön at sofa í, bað at þat skyldi hverr hafa at skemtan sem þá væri næst skapi, Ld. 14; því at þeir ( they) urðu eigi á annat sáttir, þeir es ( those who) fyrir norðan vóru, Íb. 9 (þeir is here repeated, first as personal then as demonstr. relat. pron.); land þat er kallat er Grænland, … hann kvað menn þat mundu fýsa þangat farar, at landit ætti nafn gott, … prest þann er hét Þangbrandr, id.; en þat vas til þess haft, … í stað þann, … lög þau es Kristninni skyldi fylgja, 11; þeir menn vóru er þess gátu, there were men that guested (= Lat. erant qui), Nj. 90; á þeiri stundu, Fms. xi. 360.
    2. with the article; bæta þat skipit er minnr var brotið, Fms. ii. 128; yfir hafit þat it djúpa, Edda 28; þann inn mikla mann, Hkr. ii. 251.
    II. it (as that is used in provincial speech in England), in indefinite phrases, it is, it was, it came to pass; þat var siðr, at …, Eg. 505; þat var einhverju sinni at, Nj. 2; en þat vas er hann tók byggja landit fjórtán vetrum eða fimtán fyrr, Jb. 9, and passim.
    III. denoting this, these, = þessi: sagði Egill at mjöðdrekku þá vill hann hafa at afnáms-fé, Eg. 240; sagði at sú var kona hans, er þar sat, ok svá at þau ( they) áttu húsa-kot þau ( those cottages), Ó. H. 152; this use is freq. on Runic stones, e. g. rúnar þær, kuml þaun (= þau), etc.
    2. denoting such; segja menn at þau yrði æfi-lok Flosa, at …, Nj. 282; hárit þat á höfði sem silki gult væri, the hair on his head was like yellow silk, Fms. x. 381; þeirrar einnar konu ætla ek at fá, at sú ræni þik hvárki fé né ráðum, Ld. 14: öllum þeim hlutum er þeim (pers.) líkaði, and passim.
    IV. in a diminutive sense, suffixed to the noun; stund þá, a little while, Fær. 169; jarl hafði tjaldat upp frá stund þá, see stund, Fms. xi. 85; brosa lítinn þann, Fb. ii. 78 (Fms. iv. 101); lítt þat and lítt-at, ‘little that,’ i. e. a little, see p. 394, col. 1; litla þá stund, 623. 10; glam þat varð af, a little tinkling wind, Fms. xi. 129; klumbu eina mikla eða hálf-róteldi þat, id.
    V. ellipt. þann; þykki mér þann (viz. kost) verða upp at taka, Nj. 222, Eg. 157 (see kostr, p. 353, col. 2): í þeiri (viz. hríð), in that nick of time, in that moment, Fms. x. 384, 414, Flóv. 33; ár rauð ungr í þeiri, Ód.; þann fyrsta (viz. tíma), Fms. vii. 201.
    B. The gen. þess in special usages, resembling A. S. þus, Engl. thus; this may be simply ellipt., ‘vegar,’ ‘konar,’ or the like being understood:
    1. denoting mode, kind, manner, so that, thus that; hvat sér þú nú þess er þér þykkir með undarligu móti? Nj. 62; hvernog hann skyli þess berjask, in what way he should fight, so that, Al. 70; hvat er hann þess, at ek hlýða upp á hans tal, what kind of man that I should listen to his talk.? Stj. 263; hvat manni ertú þess, at ek muna láta þik fyrri yfir fara? Karl. 16; hvern veg þess megi vera, Hom. (St.); engi veg þess, Hom. 196 (Ed.); hve lýðrinn skyldi lifa þess es Guði mætti vel líka, Hom.; hugsar hann, hversu hann mætti honum haga þess at honum yrði sjálfum nokkur sæmd í, Mar.; hvern veg skal ek skiljask við konung þenna þess er yðr muni líka, Ó. H. 75; hugum leiddi hann, hversu hann mætti þess sitja í svá ágætu sæti, at hann vær eigi …, Sks. 623; hversu bar þess til, how did it come to pass so? Stj. 166; hefi ek nokkut, bróðir. þess gört at þér mislíki, have I done aught that it should mislike thee? Gísl. 99; ekki var þess ( nothing of the kind) í Máriu lífi er vándir menn hafa, Mar.; ef knökut er þess, at ér farit ósigr, Fb. i. 183; at öllum hlutum þess er hann hafði spurt, in all things so as (i. e. in so far as) he had heard, Þiðr. 158.
    2. þess þó, yet so that, i. e. only short of that, with but one reservation; vilda ek helzt hafa atferð ok höfðingskap Hrólfs kraka, þess þó ( yet so that), at ek hélda allri Kristni ok trú minni. Fms. v. 172; sem þér líkar, þess þó, at þú frelsir oss fyrir þína miskun, Stj. 404: dropping þó, en hann vægði í öllu fyrir þeim bræðrum, þess er hann minkaði sik í engu, so that, yet so that …, Ld. 234; leita flestir at hafa hættu-minna, þess at þeir verði sik frýju, Sturl. iii. 68; alla þá hluti er ek má, þess er mér skyli eigi vera skömm at, all things that I may, yet so that it shall not be a shame to me, anything short of dishonour, Þiðr. 194; svá harða sótt sem þeir er hardast fengu, þess er eigi gékk önd ór honum, Fb. ii. 144.
    II. þess as a locative, there prob. ellipt., ‘staðar’ being understood; Einarr spurði Egil hvar hann hefði þess verit staddr at hann hafði mest reynt sik, Eg. 687; hvar kómu feðr okkrir þess, at faðir minn væri eptirbátr föður þíns, hvar nema alls hvergi? Ísl. ii. 236; hvar þess er ( wheresoever) aðrir taka fyrst arf enn erfingi réttr, Grág. i. 191; ætlaða ek þá at ek munda hvergi þess koma, at ek munda þess gjalda, at ek væra of friðsamr, Orkn. 120; því at hann ætlaði at hann mundi þess víðar koma, at hann mundi njóta föður sins enn gjalda, Gísl. 73; hvar-vitna þess er maðr spyrr lögspurning, Grág. (Kb.) i. 41; hvar þess er heilagr dómr hans kom, Hom. (St.); þeir megu hvergi þess sendir vera, at …, Hom. 182 (Ed.); hver-vetna þess er þingmenn verða víttir í Gula, N. G. L. i. 5.
    III. with a compar. the more, so much the more, cp. Germ. desto; heldr var hón þess at lítilátari, Hom. 169 (Ed.); þess meirr er hinn drekkr, þess meirr þyrstir hann, svá þess fleira es þú hafðir þess fleira girndisk þú, 190 (Ed.); til þess meiri staðfestu, Dipl. v. 22; þyrstir æ þess at meirr, Eg. 605; þess betr er þær eru görvar djúpari ok mjóri, Sks. 426.
    C. The dat. því, prop. fyrir því, and then dropping the prep., and using the remaining dat. adverbially:—therefore; því er þessa getið, at þat þótti vera rausn mikil, Ld. 68: því and þí, therefore; ok því svá, at …, Pr. 400; því ætla ek hann … at …, 325; því máttú varkynna mér, at mér þykkir féit gott, Gullþ. 7.
    II. því-at, ‘for that,’ because; tóksk eigi atreiðin, því-at búendr frestuðu, Ó. H. 215; því-at úvíst er at vita, Hm. 1; því-at úbrigðra vin fær maðr aldregi, 6; því-at hón á allan arf eptir mik, Nj. 3; því-at allir vóru görviligir synir hans, Ld. 68; því-at þat er ekki af manna völdum, Gullþ. 5; því-at ek em bróðir feðr þíns, 6.
    2. dropping the ‘at;’ því ek hefi spurt, at …, Fms. vi. 4; því Hákon var bróður-son hans, Sturl. i. 140.
    III. therefore; ok varð því ekki af ferðinni, Ísl. ii. 247: fyrir-því (Dan. fordi; Early Engl. forthy), therefore, Fms. i. 235.
    IV. því at eins, only on that condition, Fms. xi. 154: af því, therefore, passim.
    V. hví, why, in later vellums (the 15th century), and so in mod. usage; því riðu menn yðrir undan? Fms. iii. 183, Sd. 149. l. 9; því mun ek þó eigi vita mega at troll ráði fyrir, Gullþ. 5.
    D. For the personal pronoun, which in plur. has the same declension, see þeir, þær, þau, p. 732.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > ÞAT

  • 18 pagare

    1. v/t acquisto pay for
    conto, fattura, debito pay
    ti pago qualcosa da bere I'll buy you or stand you a drink
    gliela faccio pagare he'll pay for this
    2. v/i pay
    pagare anticipatamente pay in advance
    pagare in contanti pay (in) cash
    pagare a rate pay in instal(l)ments
    * * *
    pagare v.tr. e intr.
    1 to pay* (anche fig.): pagare un affitto alto, to pay a high rent; pagare un conto, to pay (o to meet o to foot) a bill; hai pagato il conto?, have you paid the bill?; pagò il conto di tasca sua, he paid the bill out of his own pocket; pagare il conto dell'albergo, to pay the hotel bill; dobbiamo pagare la merce, we have to pay for the goods; pagare un debito, to pay off (o to extinguish o to meet o to honour) a debt; ho pagato tutti i miei debiti, I have paid (off) all my debts; pagare tutte le spese, to pay (o form. to defray) all expenses; quanto hai pagato ( per) il tuo cappello?, how much did you pay for your hat?; ho pagato 10 milioni ( per) quella casa, I paid ten million euros for that house; l'ho pagato una sciocchezza, I got it for a song; per quel che l'ho pagato va più che bene, considering what I paid it is more than adequate; pagammo Ђ 25 a testa, we paid 25 euros a head (o each); pagare un creditore, to pay a creditor; pagare qlcu. per le sue prestazioni, to pay s.o. for his services; pagare alla romana, to go dutch; pagare caro qlco., to pay dearly for sthg.; pagare un occhio della testa, to pay through the nose (o a lot of money o a fortune); pagare immediatamente, sull'unghia, to pay on the nail; far pagare qlcu. per qlco., qlco. a qlcu., to charge s.o. for sthg.: quanto fate pagare ( per) la camera e la prima colazione?, how much do you charge for bed and breakfast?; gli fecero pagare più di 1.000 euro per quel danno, they charged him more than 1,000 euros for the damage; si fa pagare ( caro) ma è molto bravo, he charges a lot, but he's very good; fare pagare a qlcu. meno del dovuto, troppo poco, to undercharge s.o.; far pagare a qlcu. più del dovuto, troppo, to overcharge s.o. // pagherai cara la tua impertinenza, you'll pay for your insolence; me la pagherai!, you'll pay for it!; pagheranno ( caro) ( per) quel che hanno fatto, they'll have to pay (dearly) for what they have done // ha pagato la sua avventatezza con la vita, he paid for his rashness with his life // non so cosa pagherei per aiutarlo, I would give anything to be able to help him // pagare di persona, to face the consequences (o fam. the music) // pagare qlcu. a parole, to put s.o. off with fine words // pagare qlcu. della stessa moneta, to pay s.o. back in his own coin // pagare lo scotto, to pay the reckoning // chi rompe paga, breaker pays // (comm.): pagare a rate, to pay by (o in) instalments; pagare a saldo di ogni avere, to pay in full; pagare con un assegno, una tratta, to pay by cheque, by draft; pagare un assegno, una cambiale, to pay (o honour) a cheque, a bill; pagare una tratta, to meet a draft; pagare il saldo, to pay the balance; pagare una cambiale alla scadenza, to redeem a bill at maturity // da pagarsi, due (o payable): somma da pagarsi, due amount // (banca): interessi da pagare, interest payable; non pagare un effetto, to dishonour a bill // (fin.) pagare dividendi, to pay dividends
    2 ( offrire) to stand*, to treat (s.o. to sthg.): pago io!, it's on me!; gli ho pagato un gelato, I treated him to an ice; pagare un caffè a qlcu., to buy s.o. a coffee; chi paga?, who's going to pay?; pagare da bere a qlcu., to stand s.o. a drink; pagare un pranzo a qlcu., to stand s.o. a dinner
    3 ( ricompensare) to reward, to requite: è così che paga il mio affetto!, that's how he rewards me for my affection! // il delitto non paga, crime doesn't pay.
    * * *
    [pa'gare] 1.
    verbo transitivo
    1) (con denaro) to pay* for [articolo, biglietto, servizio]; to pay*, to settle [fattura, conto, debito]; to pay* [somma, tassa, salario, dipendente]; to settle up with, to pay* [fornitore, artigiano]

    mi ha pagato l'affitto, una mattinata di lavoro — he paid me the rent, for a morning's work

    pagare in contanti, tramite assegno — to pay in cash, by cheque

    non so cosa pagherei per... — colloq. what I wouldn't give for

    2) colloq. (offrire)

    pagare qcs. a qcn. — to buy sb. sth.

    3) (subire delle conseguenze di) to pay* for [errore, imprudenza]
    verbo intransitivo (aus. avere)
    1) (con denaro) to pay*
    2) (ricompensare) [sacrificio, sforzo] to pay* off
    verbo pronominale pagarsi to treat oneself to [viaggio, cena]

    chi rompe paga (e i cocci sono suoi)prov. = all breakages must be paid for

    To pay, equivalente inglese di pagare, viene impiegato in strutture grammaticali diverse: se si paga un conto, una somma di denaro o il costo di qualcosa, il verbo è seguito direttamente da tale riferimento ( pagare il conto = to pay the bill; pagare 100 euro = to pay 100 euros; pagare le proprie spese di viaggio = to pay one's travelling expenses); se il verbo è seguito dall'indicazione della persona che riceve il pagamento, la costruzione inglese prevede sempre un complemento oggetto ( pagare il tassista = to pay the taxi driver; pagare alla commessa = to pay the shop assistant); se il verbo to pay regge entrambe le strutture sopra citate, si può usare la costruzione col doppio oggetto ( pagare alla commessa 100 euro = to pay the shop assistant 100 euros; pagare il conto al cameriere = to pay the bill to the waiter); quando pagare è seguito dall'indicazione dell'oggetto acquistato o del beneficiario del pagamento, si traduce con to pay for ( ho pagato io il tuo biglietto = I paid for your ticket; lui ha pagato per noi = he paid for us); infine, si possono trovare riunite in un'unica frase le precedenti costruzioni ( ho pagato al tassista 35 euro per il viaggio dall'aeroporto all'ufficio = I paid the taxi driver 35 euros for the drive from the airport to my office). - Si noti che far pagare qualcosa a qualcuno si dice in inglese to charge somebody for something
    * * *
    /pa'gare/ [1]
    To pay, equivalente inglese di pagare, viene impiegato in strutture grammaticali diverse: se si paga un conto, una somma di denaro o il costo di qualcosa, il verbo è seguito direttamente da tale riferimento ( pagare il conto = to pay the bill; pagare 100 euro = to pay 100 euros; pagare le proprie spese di viaggio = to pay one's travelling expenses); se il verbo è seguito dall'indicazione della persona che riceve il pagamento, la costruzione inglese prevede sempre un complemento oggetto ( pagare il tassista = to pay the taxi driver; pagare alla commessa = to pay the shop assistant); se il verbo to pay regge entrambe le strutture sopra citate, si può usare la costruzione col doppio oggetto ( pagare alla commessa 100 euro = to pay the shop assistant 100 euros; pagare il conto al cameriere = to pay the bill to the waiter); quando pagare è seguito dall'indicazione dell'oggetto acquistato o del beneficiario del pagamento, si traduce con to pay for ( ho pagato io il tuo biglietto = I paid for your ticket; lui ha pagato per noi = he paid for us); infine, si possono trovare riunite in un'unica frase le precedenti costruzioni ( ho pagato al tassista 35 euro per il viaggio dall'aeroporto all'ufficio = I paid the taxi driver 35 euros for the drive from the airport to my office). - Si noti che far pagare qualcosa a qualcuno si dice in inglese to charge somebody for something.
     1 (con denaro) to pay* for [articolo, biglietto, servizio]; to pay*, to settle [fattura, conto, debito]; to pay* [somma, tassa, salario, dipendente]; to settle up with, to pay* [fornitore, artigiano]; quanto lo hai pagato il libro? how much did you pay for it? mi ha pagato l'affitto, una mattinata di lavoro he paid me the rent, for a morning's work; pagare in contanti, tramite assegno to pay in cash, by cheque; non so cosa pagherei per... colloq. what I wouldn't give for...
     2 colloq. (offrire) pagare qcs. a qcn. to buy sb. sth.; lasciate che paghi io la cena let me pay for dinner
     3 (subire delle conseguenze di) to pay* for [errore, imprudenza]; me la pagherai (cara)! you'll pay for this! I'll make you pay for this!
     (aus. avere)
     1 (con denaro) to pay*; in questo caso l'assicurazione non paga in this case the insurance doesn't pay (you back)
     2 (ricompensare) [sacrificio, sforzo] to pay* off; il crimine non paga crime doesn't pay
     3 (espiare) pagare con la propria vita to pay with one's life
    III pagarsi verbo pronominale
     to treat oneself to [viaggio, cena]; con questo mi pago l'affitto I pay the rent with this
    chi rompe paga (e i cocci sono suoi) prov. = all breakages must be paid for.

    Dizionario Italiano-Inglese > pagare

  • 19 κακία

    κᾰκία, , ([etym.] κακός)
    A badness in quality, opp. ἀρετή (excellence), Thgn. 322, S.OT 512 (lyr.), Pl.Smp. 181e, R. 348c, etc.; κακίᾳ ἡνιόχων by their incapacity, Id.Phdr. 248b: pl., κακίαι defects, Luc.Hist.Conscr. 6.
    2 cowardice, faint-heartedness, Th.2.87, Pl.R. 556d;

    κ. καὶ ἀνανδρία Id.Cri. 46a

    3 moral badness, vice,

    μετ' ἀρετῆς ἀλλ' οὐ μετὰ κακίας And. 1.56

    ; ἡ ἀρετή, ὡσαύτως δὲ.. καὶ ἡ κ. Pl.Men. 72a, etc.; personified in the Fable of Prodicus, X.Mem.2.1.26: pl., περὶ κακιῶν, title of treatise by Philodemus.
    4 Philos., Evil,

    ὕλη κακίας αἰτία Plot. 1.8.14

    II ill-repute, dishonour,

    κ. ἀντιλαβεῖν Th.3.58

    2 hurt, damage done or suffered, LXX 1 Ki.6.9, 1 Ma. 7.23, Ev.Matt.6.34.

    Greek-English dictionary (Αγγλικά Ελληνικά-λεξικό) > κακία

См. также в других словарях:

  • dishonour — I UK [dɪsˈɒnə(r)] / US [dɪsˈɑnər] noun [uncountable] a state in which people no longer respect you because of something bad that you have done Their motto was Death before Dishonour . bring dishonour on/upon: What she had done had brought… …   English dictionary

  • Elisha —    God his salvation, the son of Shaphat of Abel meholah, who became the attendant and disciple of Elijah (1 Kings 19:16 19). His name first occurs in the command given to Elijah to anoint him as his successor (1 Kings 19:16). This was the only… …   Easton's Bible Dictionary

  • Atonement in Christianity — For other uses, see Atonement. Part of a series on Atonement in Christianity Moral inf …   Wikipedia

  • Jauhar — and Saka refer to the voluntary deaths of men and women of the Rajput caste in order to avoid capture and dishonour at the hands of their enemies. This was done sometimes by Hindu and Sikh women, in Mughal times and there are recorded incidences… …   Wikipedia

  • Charles Howard, 1st Earl of Nottingham — For other people named Charles Howard, see Charles Howard (disambiguation). The Earl of Nottingham Charles Howard c. 1620. Detail of a portrait by Daniel Mytens the Elder. Spouse(s) Catherine Carey …   Wikipedia

  • United Kingdom — a kingdom in NW Europe, consisting of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: formerly comprising Great Britain and Ireland 1801 1922. 58,610,182; 94,242 sq. mi. (244,100 sq. km). Cap.: London. Abbr.: U.K. Official name, United Kingdom of Great… …   Universalium

  • commercial transaction — ▪ economics Introduction       in law, the core of the legal rules governing business dealings. The most common types of commercial transactions, involving such specialized areas of the law and legal instruments as sale of goods and documents of… …   Universalium

  • Sacrifice of the Mass — • The word Mass (missa) first established itself as the general designation for the Eucharistic Sacrifice in the West after the time of Pope Gregory the Great, the early Church having used the expression the breaking of bread (fractio panis) or… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • William Ewart Gladstone — The Right Honourable William Ewart Gladstone FRS FSS Prime Minister of the United Kingdom …   Wikipedia

  • Luther, Martin — • Leader of the great religious revolt of the sixteenth century in Germany; born at Eisleben, 10 November, 1483; died at Eisleben, 18 February, 1546 Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Luther, Martin      …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Mexico — • Situated at the extreme point of the North American continent, bounded on the north by the United States, on the east by the Gulf of Mexico, the Caribbean Sea, British Honduras, and Guatemala, and on the south and west by the Pacific Ocean… …   Catholic encyclopedia

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